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Dracos pov:

She can be a bitch sometimes. But i love that about her. Her body is so beautyful, she really made something out of her. She was always pretty ofcourse, but now shes just, wow.


„Yes Draco?"

„Do you...you know, love me?"


She gets up and sits on the bed.

„Do you oove me?"

„I- yes Draco, i do."

„So youre over Weasley?"

„I dont know Draco."

„You know what i've told you."

„Yes i know Draco, its just that i liked him before you, and then your love confess came out osnowhere. My feelings for George cant just dissapear like that Draco, you have to understand that."

„I dont want to see you with him Riley, get that in your head."

I say and leave her room.
I went to my dorm and threw myself on my bed.
Why was she acting like this, why does she still like him. Ahe has me now, she doesnt need him anymore.
I thought to myself. She cant be together with me and still in love with another boy.

Rileys pov:

Draco made me really mad. After he left my room i went out too. I walket through the halls and thought to myself.
What is wrong with him, he knows that i've loved George before him, and now he decides to controll my feeling? What a joke, pathethic really.
I was really pissed at him.

As i was walking i caught myself walking to the Gryffindor commonroom. I need Hermione. I ask the fat lady if she could call someone out for me, so they would let me in, she did.

„Riley? What are you doing here?"

George. She had to call George, ofcourse, why him, why not Harry or someone else i dont care.

„Hey George.."

„What are you doing here?"

„I wanted to talk with Hermione. Do you know where she is?"

„No i dont, she told me she would be right back afew houres ago, i havent seen her since. Maybe she had something important to do."

„Oh, okey. Then i'll just leave."

„No no, come inside, we can wait together, you can stay in my room. If thats okey."

„I dont think i should George."

„Please Riley, you were never before in my room. Come on, we'll have fun."

„Okey, but not for long, if Hermione doesent retun in 30 minutes i'll leave again."


I follow George inside. The Gryffindor common room looks really comftarble and warm, not like the Slytherin one, cold and dark. We go upstaires to his room.

„Hey Riley."

„Hey Fred."

I totaly forgot that the twins share a room together.

„Come here, you can sit on my bed."

George tells me. I do what he says.

„I think i'll leave you two alone ok? I have some stuff to do."

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