Brooklyn Baby

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I woke up early I always was the first to wake up, I put on my skirt, buttoned my shirt and put on my slytherin robe and tie

I was one of the first in the dinning hall each minute more people started to sit down and the noise always got louder

"Good morning Burke" Blaise sat across from me

"Morning Zabini" I smiled

Theo sat next to me and Warrington and Montague sat next to Blaise

They were so chatty even durning the morning, Theo just interlaced his foot with mine as he ate, it was a regular breakfast until she came

"Hi Theo" she sat down next to him. Willow Fyke.

"Hey Willow" he went back to drinking his pumpkin juice

"So I was wondering Theo if you'd like to study with me today in my dorm" She put her hand on his thigh

I usually wasn't the jealous type but this made my blood boil. The boys all looked at him wide eyed and slightly impressed Willow was beautiful

"No thank you" he pushed her hand off

She looked shocked probably the first time she's gotten rejected

"and why is that" she was looking tense her nose scrunched

"Because I have a girlfriend" He looked away

"You do?" The boys all said in unison

She saved herself from further embarrassment and walked back to the Ravenclaw table

I was looking down at my toast trying to hide my red cheeks

"Bloody hell Theo I didn't know you had a girlfriend" Blaise said in shock

"well go on tell us" Montague leaned in

"Or tell us later" Warrington tried to subtly point at me as if he was trying to spare my feelings, because he knew about my crush

"Sorry boys I don't kiss and tell" was all Theo said as he placed his hand on my knee

"Well i've got to go" I said getting up and their faces all looked at me with pity

"See you later" I got up, cupped his face and kissed his lips

Theo blushed and the boys all looked at him raising their eyebrows

"So all those times we teased you about Flora and you denied" Blaise said suspiciously

"I lied we've actually been dating for months now" Theo said getting up as well

"Wow Theo I thought we were closer than that" Warrington said dramatically

He playfully winked at him and walked me to herbology holding my hand.

I've been taking my OWL's very seriously, ever since I was a little girl i've wanted to become a professor, I loved helping others and my mum always said she wanted to be one, that was until she had kids. She had my older brother at age 18 then shortly after at age 20 she had my other brother. They took a break and at age 30 she had me. I've always felt sad for her that she never got to chase her dreams because she choose to start a family.

I come from a long line of Slytherins the pressure is really on my brothers were prefects and head boys and well Pansy got chosen instead of me but professor Sprout says it was a very close call.

I stayed to myself during class while some like Draco Malfoy always had their comments to make or Harmione Granger who always had to be answering every question. I really didn't want that attention on me so I stayed in the back with Daphne

April came and our sweaters finally came off. I enjoyed studying outside with Theo and his friends. They hardly got any work done. I didn't mind Theo was happy around them and loved how I got along with them

We were laying on the grass and they were chatting about quidditch and I studied for divination trying to remember my dreams

"Burke you take these exams too seriously" Blaise said leaning back

"Maybe you should try" I raised my head up from my book

"Don't you ever have any fun?" Warrington asked

"We have different definitions of fun"

"What's yours reading and doing homework" he said laughing

"Leave my try hard girlfriend alone" Theo added

"Fine then let's have fun tonight" I got up and crossed my arms

"Come up to our room tonight if you're up for it Burke" Blaise said smiling wildly


I was in sweatpants and a tank top when I snook up to their room

"So this your definition of fun, sitting around in your dark room" I said looking unimpressed

"You're missing the most important part" Warrington said pulling something out of his drawer

"Muggle weed?" I had seen it before

"Very well, but it's enchanted for a better effect" He said pulling out his wand to light it

"You don't have to if you don't want too" Theo assured me as I sat on his bed

"Pass it" I said as my hand shook to reach it

Theo reached it for me "Open up" he said placing it between my lips

"in" he said and I took a deep breath "hold" I couldn't for long I started choking on the smoke

They all laughed and almost right away I felt the room grow fuzzy

"Why're you guys looking at me" I said laughing it felt as if I were laughing in slow motion

"Another?" Montague asked passing it back

"Fuck it" I reached for it

I took another deep breath

"No more love" Theo said taking it away and hitting it as well

My mind grew fuzzy and my mouth was dry

"I want some crisp" I managed to say

"Have water first" Theo handed me his cup

Throughout the entire time I laughed more than I ever had at anything they had to say

"How're you feeling Burke?" Warrington asked

"Oh yeah I've never ever felt better" I laughed in between my words

"Come on let's put some eye drops on you" Theo led me to the restroom

He sat me up on the counter

I pulled him by the shirt and kissed him, his lips numbed my body, my body tingled when he put his hand on my upper thigh

"You're mine and only mine Flora" he kissed me again

"I'm yours and only yours Theo"

"I love you Flora" He broke away from the kiss

"I think we're just super high right now Theo" I closed my eyes and knocked out on his shoulder


I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! I really wanted to develop all their friendships more

"Yeah my boyfriends pretty cool, but he's not as cool as me" - Brooklyn baby by lana del rey

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