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Theo and I came to an agreement to stop having sex until we worked out our problems in our relationship

I told him that the solutions to whatever he had going on wasn't in between my legs

Then he'd say "The way you finish on me and scream my name feels like a solution"

When everyone came back from break, his friends noticed that we were off.

"What're we doing this hogsmead trip" Montague asked awhile we ate breakfast

"I'm going with Cormac, he wants to give me a formal apology" I answered

"McLaggen?" Theo stabbed his eggs

"Yea it's just as friends" I reassured him

The boys all looked uncomfortably at us waiting for one of us to snap

But he didn't he knew I hated when he didn't trust me.


He had knocked out on my lap while we were supposed to finish our astronomy homework

I brushed through his hair and watched as his eyes twitched, he was so peaceful when he slept, his body was warm and his muscles were relaxed

There's nothing I wanted more than for us to work. That's why i'm trying everything. That's why I forgive him when he snaps at me. Everytime I cry he kisses my cheeks and dries them. I still write him letters, I still remind him that our lives were meant to be lived together


I just wore a dark blue jumper and light blue jeans, when he invited me out I thought it was a joke but I realized his parents were probably making him apologize to me

I walked out of the common room and all the boys were there

"Have fun on your date" Blaise joked

I turned around and flipped him off

"Bye love" I leaned over to Theo and kissed him

I awkwardly walked out to the great hall

He stood around so confidently

"Hey Flora" He smiled

"Hey Cormac"

we walked side to side to Hogsmead, we didn't really speak we had nothing in common

"Are you still with Nott?" he asked as we walked into the three broomsticks

"Yeah" I took off my coat

"I hardly see you guys together anymore" he said as he ordered our butterbeers "Want any food?" he offered

"I've never had food here" I didn't even know they served food

He ordered "chili cheese fries"

"Are you allowed out in the muggle world?" He asked

"I'm allowed too but i'm scared i'll act strangely and I don't understand how trains work" I smiled lightly embarrassed I admitted that

"The muggle world is amazing" "They also have these things called "outlets"

"Those muggles have thought of everything" I laughed

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