Self Control : 4 years later

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I had just turned 21

After the war I enchanted the manor invisible to anyone that wasn't a Burke

I moved to France, england was too painful to be in, everything reminded me of them. The leaky cauldron reminded me of Mark and how he would love just staying over night before going to hogwarts.

Diagon Alley reminded me how Caleb swore he was going to open up a shop there when he was older and force his kids and our kids to work for free

The manor was the worse. I still would see their faces around. Sometimes I think I see mum walking back from the lake, I would run outside and tell her how much I missed her but I never find her. Walking past fathers office I could still hear his whiskey glass being refilled

I bought a small cottage in France. Just two months after the war.

I've been here for awhile. This September 1st was my first day of school

I was offered a teaching job at Beauxbatons school of magic and witchcraft

I was to start teaching Astronomy, I couldn't believe that I wasn't only accomplishing my dreams but mums dreams as well. I was nervous Madam Maxine told me i'd be the youngest professor there

I don't think about Theo as much. For the first year he was all I thought about. Sometimes I still wonder what he's going or what he's working in. Sometimes I wonder if he's moved on I only linger on those thoughts for a little.

It must sound selfish what I did to him but at that time I needed to be.

I was shopping in the local magical shopping center for some appropriate robes and skirts for the new school year

I decided I wanted fog glass for my classroom but that required me to enter a dark arts store

I walked in and looked around at the weird things

"Like I said we just need to sell this, no one at london will buy it" A man was yelling at the cashier

The man ignored him "How can I help you miss" he looked at me

The men turned around.

My heart stopped it was Theo and Malfoy

"Flora?" he came closer

I left the glass and ran out of the store. It had been years and it still felt like we were back at hogwarts

I hoped by the crowds he would loose me

"Flora" he cornered me

"Theodore" I gulped

"Been awhile" he said he had a deeper voice now

"Four years" I didn't know what else to say

"Do you live here? I mean in France?" He asked

"yes and I must get going" I backed away

"Would you care for a tea?" He asked walking behind me

"You can come along" I couldn't say no, not after all these years

"Really?" he asked as we continued to walk outside

I grabbed his arm and aparated us in front of my cottage

"This is nice" he looked at my garden outside

"Come in" I opened the door

I started the tea and it was awkward to say the least

I tried not to stare at him, but time had really changed his face, he looked more defined and was taller

"So do you just stay here?" he broke the silence

"I'm starting my new job soon" I smiled

"Where are you working?" He asked

"As a professor" I served the tea, he smiled wildly

"And what do you do?" I was intrigued

"Live off the family inheritance" he chuckled

Merlin that laugh was still the same.

"Married?" he awkwardly asked sipping his tea

I shook my head "you?"

"No, no girl wants to date a guy that isn't over his ex"

Those words paralyzed me

"Well despite knowing french, french men hate this British" I smiled

We drank in silence. The tension was thick

"Why'd you leave" He finally asked what he's been wanting too

"I needed to work on myself and I couldn't put you through that Theo, I just last year started getting better" I couldn't look at him

"I could've been there for you" His tone started getting hostile

"I didn't want you to be" It was the truth

"It was good seeing you" he got up aggressively

"Good luck with the teaching" he turned back

"Good luck with the inheritance"

He disapparated

I went back inside. I felt broken all over again. After all this time I still loved him, seeing him made me wish I could just stay with him for the rest of my days in his arms

That's it.

I went in my room and started packing clothes. I would go back to England and find him and tell him I choose him. In every lifetime i'll choose him.

I grabbed my purse and stormed outside


He aparated on top of me knocking me down

"Merlin im sorry" he stood me up

"You came back?" I stood so close to him

"Where are you going" he looked at my bag

I didn't want to admit it "I was going to find you"

"I'm still in love with you Flora" he cupped my face

"This life and the next Theo"

I put my hands on his chest

Our lips met, oh how ive longed for these soft lips

"It won't burn you anymore" He pulled away and lifted up his shirt, it was merely a scar no more black

He continued kissed me as we stumbled back into my house

Just like little teenagers we ripped each other's clothes off

Our worlds mended together from that point on

"Wish I was there, wish we'd grown up on the same advice
And our time was right
Keep a place for me, for me
I'll sleep between y'all, it's nothing
It's no thing, it's nothing
Keep a place for me, for me
Now and then you miss it, sounds make you cry
Some nights you dance with tears in your eyes" Self control by Frank Ocean

Hi so I didn't want to make it easy for them after the war like she really lost her entire family, she needed time to herself. This also shows how real passionate love doesn't die out with time it only becomes stronger.

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