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Theodore Nott pov

Whoever said "if you love them let them go" fuck you.

We've only been here a month. It feels as if I stepped back to our third year.

She only sits with Daphne and Pansy at lunch. No longer by my side.

She only seems to be friends with Warrington.

I hate seeing how they're getting closer. As the weeks go by I see them get closer and how he's able to be so close to her.

They have these stupid little inside jokes and she really only wants to spend time with him.

I think i'm going to kill him. A simple killing curse, or maybe I want him to suffer for thinking that he was ever worthy of having her. How'd I do it? A knife? Suffocate him? Cruciatus cruse would be nice

"Theo" Blaise called out and I jumped out of my day dream

"Hi Theo" she said so softly, she's still so shy and well uncomfortable around me

She's sitting in front of me.

"Hi Flora" I smile at her. I like doing this because she always starts blushing and tries to look down. Just like she is right now

Warrington is talking to her, she gives him her undivided attention. I see her smile at something he said. A genuine smile.

Blaise and Montague see it too.

I can't be here, I'm three seconds always from grabbing a knife and stabbing him. But I don't want to get blood all over her.

I stand up and storm out of there.


I was coming back from the astronomy tower. I like to sit on a window ledge and think of her. Think of how soft her skin was and those perfect lips. The November cold is probably my favorite, I used to love every season as long as I was spending it next to her.

I walked back to the common room. It was late. I didn't give a damn about curfew

There they were. Their lips inches apart. His hands on that beautiful face.

I didn't even think

"Get the fuck off of her" I picked him up and threw him

I stood over him about to punch him

"Stop it" she grabbed my fist.

Her small delicate hand

Warrington pushed me off and she helped him up

"What's your problem" She furrowed her brows. Merlin I miss that tone

I didn't answer her I just walked up to cool myself down

Part of me was glad she didn't remember me. I don't deserve her. She'd always find a way to look on the bright side. She'd still love me. She'd be so understanding and kind about the whole situation. I don't deserve that heart filled with the purest honey.

Im the one who did this too her. I ruined her. I'm the weak one. So weak that I do whatever my father demands. So weak so weak so weak


When December came the pain hadn't faded or diluted.

"What're you doing over break?" she asked me looking up slightly

"Don't know" I love her voice but she shouldn't be talking to me

She looked so disappointed merlin those puppy dog eyes. As she looked away I stared at her. I remember looking as those puppy dog eyes as she was on her knees, taking it all in, eyes watering, merlin those lips that mouth

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