Flashback 1

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"Merlin it's getting late" Daphne yawned and walked up to the room

I stayed it was quiet and peaceful. I stayed studying my alchemy book

It was no longer quiet when the four most obnoxious boys walked in

I ignored them and continued my notes.

One came near me. I heard him speaking but I couldn't make out if he was talking to me or not so I didn't pay him any attention

"Hello" he nudged me

"Oh you were talking to me" I closed my book

"Theo, Theodore Nott" he extended his hand

"I know who you are we're in the same house and year" I looked at him unamused.

I always went unnoticed until my third year which was now.

Thanks to Adrian Pucey who was the first to noticed I developed breast.

Once he kissed me boys magically noticed I existed

"Flora Burke" I shook his hand

I started to open back up my book, i'm not the best at conversations

"So tell me about yourself" he smiled wildly

"I like reading in quiet" I snapped

"Oh i'm im sorry" he panicked not expecting that

"I'm only joking" I smiled and let a small chuckle out

He looked relived and let loose once again

"No really Flora tell me something" he smiled and merlin he had a nice smile

Dont blush dont blush dont blush

"Well I umm want to be a professor one day" I looked down I couldn't meet his eyes

"Bossy type?" he asked

I smiled "Just a bit"

"What about you Theodore Nott"

Without hesitation he started talking "I come from a long line of Slytherin purebloods so you know how that can be"

Ive never been this close to him, he smiles widly and he has beautiful deep blue eyes

Once the conversation ended I headed up to bed

I tried to not replay our conversation in my head but it was no use


We were eating breakfast

"He keeps looking at you" Daphne smiled

"Mind you the fact that he's sitting in front of his girlfriend" I rolled my eyes

"Were 14 what is he doing shagging girls" She looked back at me

"I don't know but next week it'll be a different girl" I lost my appetite

I could feel his eyes on me. I wish he would stop he had a girlfriend and i'm just not that type of girl to sleep around.

"Hey Flora" he sat down next to me in the common room

"Hi" I said bleakly

He noticed my tone was off

"What's going on?" I could feel his eyes examining my face

"Nothing" I flipped the page

"There you are Theo" A beautiful girl entered the common room

"Come on" she pulled his arm

"You go on i'll be right up" he said and she went up to his room

"Flora" he nudged me

I slammed my book shut

"Don't you have girlfriend to get to?" I snapped

He smiled wildly at me which was not the reaction I expected

"Merlin you're so hot when you're mad" he winked and went up to his room

I rolled my eyes. This boy was something else. Calling me hot then going to go shag someone else

I continued to read my notes until the frustration made me sleepy


"Did you hear Theo broke up with what's her face" Pansy said as we got ready

"Why?" Daphne asked

I tried to hide my smile

"He said what he always does "I just need time to focus on myself" She mocked the tone he spoke in

That breakfast I stared at him, I loved watching him laugh and I loved how goofy he was

Sometimes when he catches my eye he winks at me making me turn scarlet and I turn away rapidly

I knew he just liked the attention I gave him I knew he didn't want a relationship with me.

Even if he did he'd stay for a month or so then get bored and well I have zero experience so probably not even a month

I was excited for the year to end I missed home and my family was going to the quidditch world cup, I didn't want to go because quidditch didn't interest me

"What is the lovely Flora Burke doing over summer" he asked me as I sat by the fire writing mum a letter

"Just staying home with my family" I smiled at him

"What about the infamous Theodore Nott?"

He smiled he loved when I gave him any type of validation

"Quidditch world cup and maybe write to a certain girl" he smirked

"I pity that girl"I laughed

"Here I was thinking you were nice" he let out a light chuckle

"But can I write to you?" he asked shyly

"Of course" I tried not to blush

Ugh I hated myself and the way I acted around Theo. I hated how it was hard to breathe around him. I hated how my heart raced when he would simply just look at me

I wondered if he'd actually write to me, I also wondered who his summer hook up would be

Maybe this summer I can snap back into reality and stop fantasying about him and those beautiful eyes

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