386 18 10

Roger was nervous for the whole day. Roger Taylor was never nervous. This is so stupid, why am I so nervous? They won't even see my face. No one will know. Roger reassured himself.

4:30 came by way too fast.

Roger walked into the auditorium with his head down. Thankfully, he was the only person in the auditorium. Until, Mr. Miami walked in. "Hello Mr. Taylor, glad you made it. I just wanted to go over some rules we have for the mascot." Mr. Miami started, "Rule 1. Don't take off your mask until the end of the game. 2, don't interact with the players unless they interact with you. 3, no inappropriate dances. 4, no leaving halfway through the game. 5, I'll be teaching you how to use the t-shirt cannon and the one rule I have for that is do not aim at people's faces. 6, you are not allowed to touch the basketball. 7, hype up the crowd you are here to make the crowd have fun. 8, jump around a lot, the crowd loves it. 9, stay hydrated. Got it?" Mr. Miami asked. "Yeah." Roger said. "Alright, let's get started with this t-shirt cannon."

At 5 o'clock the first member of the team walked into the gym. A tall skinny boy with long, straight, brown hair. He had his jersey on with the number 18 printed on the back. "Hey Miami!" The boy shouted, "Hey John! Meet your new mascot, Roger." Mr. Miami introduced. Great, now he knows my name... Embarrassing. Roger thought to hismself. 

John stuck out his hand, "Nice to meet you Roger." John said. Roger gently shook his hand, "Likewise." Roger responded.

Only moments later, the whole team bursted through the doors. Roger was getting sweaty. He normally wasn't this nervous in public situations, but this felt different.

Roger's eyes were immediatly drawn to the tallest boy on the team. He had big, curly, brunette hair. Long, slender legs. Big eyes. Slim but a very masculine figure. He looked like a Greek God.

"Hello team!" Mr. Miami started, "Meet our new mascot, Roger." The whole team waved at him and smiled. Great, now they all know my name. Roger thought.

Roger shyly waved. Thankfully, they didn't stare at Riger for too long. The team all turned their attention back to Mr. Miami. "Tonight is going to be a good game, I can feel it!" Mr. Miami reassured. "Everyone go warm up, don't want any injures tonight." Mr. Miami instructed.

The whole team went around the gym and did many different warm ups. But, the boy Roger was staring at walked up to him. Roger was expecting for the tall boy to say, 'You're a loser, I can't believe someone wants to be the mascot.' But, he didn't. The tall boy extended his hand and smiled, "I'm Brian. Nice to meet you." Roger blushed and shook Brian's hand. "I'm Roger. Wait, you already know that, nevermind." Roger gulped. Good going, you fucking idiot. Roger thought to himself.

Brian smiled at the nervous boy, "Hopefully you're better than our last mascot. He kept interfering with the game, he was a huge wanker." Brian stated. "Hopefully I'm not a wanker, I haven't thought about it too much." Roger smiled when Brian chuckled. "I doubt you're a wanker. I got to go warm up. It was nice talking to you Roger." Before Roger could say anything Brian jogged to a random spot in the gym and started stretching.

This is going to be a long night.


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