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Roger was pacing around his bedroom and Freddie was sitting on his bed. "Roger, sit down. You're going to worry yourself to death." Freddie offered.

"What do I wear? Is it casual? Do I dress up? What do people wear to fairs? What do people wear on dates? What if he stands me up? Is this even a date? People say, it's a date, to their friends all the time." Roger worried. "It's diffenitly a date Rog. The clothes you're wearing now is great." Freddie stated.

Roger looked down at his clothes. "Are you sure?" Roger questioned. "I am sure. You got to get going Roggie. I doubt you want to be late." Freddie pointed out. The two boys quickly said their goodbyes.


Roger closed his car door and sighed. You'll do fine Roger, Roger thought to himself.

Roger spotted Brian instantly. Roger grinned and ran to Brian. "Hey Rog." Brian greeted. To Roger's suprise, Brian hugged him. It lasted longer than the hug in the locker room. It wasn't a side hug, it was a face to face hug. Roger had to get on his tip toes to wrap his arms around Brian. When they pulled away, they both had pink cheeks.

"Come on. The ferris wheel is waiting for us!" Brian said with a smile. Roger gulped. Ferris wheels scare Roger to death, but he will never admit that to Brian.

The pair stood in line for the ferris wheel. The operator led the two boys to the seat and locked them in. "I've always loved ferris wheels." Brian stated. "Really?" Roger asked trying to distract himself from his fear of heights.

"Yeah. I always loved space, stars, planets, all that stuff when I was a kid. So, when I got the chance to ride ferris wheels I felt like I was in space." Brian said with a small smile.

Their seat was reaching the very top, but then the wheel stopped. Roger gulped and looked down. Oh God, why did I do that, Roger thought.

Roger grabbed onto Brian's arm with a tight grip. Brian smiled, "Scared of heights?" Brian asked. "No." Roger said in a wobbly voice. Brian raised an eyebrow, "It's okay if you are." Brian reassured. "Just a little." Roger finally admitted.

Brian wrapped an arm around Roger and held him tight. "The ferris wheel will start again soon. Don't look down, just look at the sky, or the buildings." Brian pointed at the tall buildings in the distance.

Roger did as he was told, and Brian was right. It did help. Roger sighed in relief when the wheel started moving again.

The wheel rotated a couple more times, and Brian held onto Roger the whole time.

Once it was their turn to get off the wheel, Roger was a smiling mess. The operator unlocked their booth and let then out.

When the stood up Brian let go of Roger. But, Roger didn't want that. So, he grabbed the tall boy's hand and looked up to be eye to eye with him. Brian smiled and they continued walking.


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