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The next game was coming up fast. The team were training as hard as they could. Everyday, before school, during school, after school, every single day.


Game day came fast, Roger was preparing himself for running around in the ugly bear suit.

He was sitting in the auditorium alone, but then the door opened.

It was Brian.

"Hey Rog. Hope you don't mind I'm here, just want to practice before the game." Brian stated. "I don't mind at all." Roger truthfully said.

Brian grabbed a basketball and slowly dribbled his ball. Roger watched intensly.

Brian would smile everytime he made shot, if he missed, he would sigh and try again. It was entertaining.

"Want to try?" Brian asked. "What?" Roger questioned. "Want to try?" Brian repeated. "Sure. Why not." Roger stood up and jogged to where Brian was.

"Do you know how to throw a ball?" Brian asked as he lazily dribbled. "Maybe?" Roger questioned.

"You just have to do this." Brian placed the ball in Roger's hands. Stood behind him, held onto Roger's wrists, and led Roger's hands up. "Now you throw it." Brian instructed. Roger tossed it as he was told to, it hit the edge, and fell off. "So close. You think you can do it by yourself this time?" Brian asked.

Roger probably could, but Roger wants every excuse to get Brian's hands on him. "I don't think so. Can you show me again?" Roger innocently asked. "Of course." Brian agreed.

Roger had his back pressed against Brian. Brian held Roger's hands like he did last time and pulled them up. "Now shoot." Brian said. Roger threw it and it made it in this tine.

Roger smiled and looked up at the tall boy behind him. Brian looked down, "Good job." Brian whispered and audibly gulped. Their faces were close together, and their bodies were pressed together.

Roger looked down at the brunette's lips.

Brian shyly smiled and blushed.

Roger played with the ends of Brian's curly hair.

The doors slammed open and the whole team walked in.

Brian and Roger jumped away from each other and turned bright red.

"Hey Brian! Came early?" John asked. "Yeah. I'm going to be coming early more often." Brian winked at Roger and walked to his team.

Roger twirled his hair with his fingers like a love sick girl. Maybe Roger is a love sick girl.


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