| 002 | afraid

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"is she running from her past?
it's only life, she's so afraid of love"
- mötley crüe

AFTER CLASS YOU WALKED with a few friends outside. as you walked, you heard the infamous voice of the most arrogant person you had ever met: joey donner.

"ooh. looking good, ladies."

you rolled your eyes and continued walking. you approached michael and cameron who were looking towards joey's direction. "who's that?" cameron asked, turning to michael.

"joey donner. world's biggest douche bag," you replied causing them both to laugh.

"yeah, he's a jerk off, and a model," michael added.

cameron chucked. "a model?"

"a model. mostly regional stuff, but he's rumored to have a big tube sock ad coming out." michael answered causing you all to laugh.

"really?" cameron asked.

"really," you replied. "well i'm gonna join some friends from spanish class. we're gonna study, so see you guys."

once you were safely out of earshot, cameron spoke up. "man, look at her. is she always so-"


"how can you say that? she's totally-"

"not into high school boys?"

"stop with that alright? look at the way she smiles, and look at her eyes, man. there's more to her that i want to know about."

"no, no, cameron, no. what's there is a girl who is strictly not into any boy at this school. all the guys, especially joey, want her. she, my friend, is what you call out of our league. way out. even if you tried. put her in you spank bank and move on."

"no, no. you're wrong. i mean not about the spanking part, but i can change her mind about everything."

"alright... i'm wrong? you wanna take a shot, be my guest. she's actually looking for a spanish tutor."

"are you serious?" cameron asked excitedly. "that's perfect!"

"do you speak spanish?"

"well, no, but i will."

.___.     .___.     .___.     .___.      .___.

it was the end of school and you, michael, and cameron all met each other in the parking lot. michael sat on his dirt bike while you and cameron stood next to him. "well, stay cool my friends." michael said as he started to pull away.

"yeah, see you later."


while michael drove off, he almost ran into a truck causing him to swerve to the side and go down a hill that lead to the football field. as he went down he yelled in pain, "my balls! oh, boy."

everyone, including you and cameron, surrounded the small cliff and watched as michael fall. he then got up and started laughing. "yeah, whoo!"

the crowd cheered as michael got his bike back up. "um, so do you have a ride home?" cameron asked as you both walked away.

"no, actually. my parents aren't home so i was gonna walk."

"well, would you like me to give you a ride?" cameron asked nervously.

you smiled, "that would be great, thank you."

"yeah no problem," he grinned back.

you headed to his car and hopped in. the car ride was silent between you two, but comfortable. the faint noise of the radio playing made it more relaxing.

you guided cameron to your house. once you arrived, cameron parked the car and watched as you got out. "thank you so much for the ride, i owe you." you said as you shut the car door and continued to talk to the brunette boy through the open window.

"no worries. so um, i heard you were looking for a spanish tutor?" cameron questioned.

"yeah, i am actually. it's kinda embarrassing."

"well if you want, i could help you out?"

"that would be great, thank you! you're a lifesaver, let me tell you. i can't fail her class, i just can't. my parents would kill me."

"yeah, of course," he laughed at how cute you were worrying about your parents.

"see you later, then." you walked towards your house and cameron drove off with a huge smile on his face.

.___.     .___.     .___.     .___.      .___.

the next day at school, you were headed to the library to meet cameron so he could tutor you. he was incredibly sweet, but you were scared that it was all just a lie to try to get in your pants just like all the other boys in the school. or scared that he would turn out just like your previous boyfriend. he would be sweet, you would fall for his tricks, and then find him in bed with another girl at a party.

as you walked in the library, you spotted cameron sitting a table reading the spanish textbook. "hey," you said as you took a seat next to him. he looked up from the book and greeted you with a smile.

"hey. so, um, okay. i thought that we'd, um, start with pronunciation if that's alright with you."

"not the rolling r's. i have such a hard time doing that," you nervously laughed.

"well, uh, there is an alternative."

"there is?"

"yeah, mexican food. we could eat some together, uh, saturday night?" cameron fiddled with his fingers and then looked up at you nervously.

"you're asking me out?" you asked with a smile, but it quickly faded as your earlier worries filled your head. "cameron, i'm sorry but i can't. i don't do dates, or boys in general. it's always been messy for me."

"i heard about that, but i thought if it was just for spanish class-"

"listen, cameron. you seem like a sweet guy and i bet you could get any other girl in this school with your charm, but i can't right now. alright? sorry."

the bell rung and you got up. before walking away you gave cameron a small smile and then proceeded to walk out of the library.

"well, my friend. who was right?" michael asked as he sat next to cameron.

"where did you come from?" cameron asked confused.

"i was watching you from over there. what? i'm not allowed to see my friend realize that i'm right?"

"yeah, yeah. whatever." cameron got up and started packing his things.

"look, i'm sorry. you know what?'


"i think i have an idea," michael smirked.

"and what would that be?"

the two boys then started walking out of the library. "well, what if you make her jealous?"

"jealous? you think that would work?"

"most definitely."

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