Chapter 1

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"Shes really pretty, dont you think?" Said Nami, sitting at the table in the ships Kitchen across from Robin and Chopper and drinking her tea.

"Mhm mhm" chopper agreed, and Robin just laughed in response.

Sanji sprinted in after overhearing the small conversation, "Who's pretty, who are you talking about?", he all but yelled.

"(Y/N), when we were out in town, we found her in some trouble, we brought her back to the ship for now because it would be safer for her, I left her in my room to wash up before talking to her a bit more." Nami explained.

Sanji scrambled to run out of the Kitchen and to the room the girls shared as fast as he possibly could, hearts forming in his eyes. When he arrived, he busted open the door, excited and lovestruck by the possibilities of who this mystery girl could be. 'If Nami and Robbin were complimenting her, then she must be gorgeous', he thought. "Welcome to our ship beautiful Goddess, please let me-" He exclaimed while kneeling on the floor but stopped midsentence. The woman in front of him was not who he has imagined. His jaw fell to the floor, tears welled in his eyes, he was in complete shock. "No. No. NO!! A woman is supposed to be BEAUTIFUL and well-proportioned and pretty and delicate. You cant be the pretty woman they were talking about. Please God, let this be a mistake!!" He yelled aloud in disbelief that this was the woman being discussed in the kitchen just a few minutes before. The woman he had envisioned was small and skinny with a large chest and what he deemed healthy proportions; you were not that woman. You are heavy, curvy, still big chested but big in other areas as well.

When you had heard the crash at the door, you jumped in shock and looked at the commotion, and when a very handsome blonde man knelt to the ground with a welcome you were quite flattered. When he cut off his sentence, you were confused, and the look that developed on his face was a shock in and of itself. But, when you heard him say you weren't beautiful, and call out some of the insecurities that plagued you daily, your heart sank, it hurt to be told to your face what you already tell yourself every day of your life. Even still, you were angry. Angry that this person whom you have never met barged into the space given to you to calm down and insulted you immediately after seeing you. "Excuse me?? Did you really just barge in here to tell me I was ugly??" You questioned, not wanting to rock the boat more despite your anger.

Nami and Chopper appeared at the door after hearing the commotion. "What happened in here?" Nami asked, walking into the room, and turning to Sanji. "You aren't scaring her, are you??"

"Scaring her? If anything, she scared me." Sanji said in defense.

This just hurt you more, you've done nothing to this man and yet he thinks you're disgusting. 'I guess hes right', you thought, 'But he didnt have to say it.' "You barge in here, insult me, and Im the one that scared you?!?" you exclaimed feeling even angrier than before.  Nami looks at the both of you in confusion as you storm out of the room and onto the ship deck to leave these pirates and go back home.

Nami looked at Sanji in pure confusion before following you and stopping you from leaving the ship. Sanji was still frozen in place from complete disappointment that he didn't see what he had hoped. "(Y/N)!! Stop!", Nami called after you and grabbed your arm to keep you from walking any further. "What happened?" She questioned still unsure on what Sanji could have done to make you so angry or what you could have done to give Sanji such a reaction. 'Sanji has always had a soft spot for women, usually he would be all over her, especially since shes so pretty' Nami thought.

"Look, thank you for helping me back in the village, I really appreciate it, and if I can help you all out before you leave, I would love to repay you for what you've done for me. But I'm not going to stay here and be treated like that by some boy who doesn't even know my name! Im going back home where I dont get insulted and belittled by strangers for no reason." You said in anger, pulling out of Namis grip and storming off the ship, down the pier, and into town down the familiar street to your home.

Nami watched you storm off, still confused and in disbelief. She had never known Sanji to insult a woman, 'There must be a misunderstanding' she thought. Nami turned around to see Sanji still in the room with his back facing to her, Chopper standing at the door frame with his eyes wide and feet frozen, and Robbin standing outside the kitchen door also shocked by the unusual encounter. Sanji finally turned around and silently walked back to the kitchen, his three crewmates staring at him as he walks by. Sanji had walked in on Luffy sitting at the table and stuffing his face, but all he did was kick Luffy over the head, take the food Luffy hadn't touched yet and started cooking. Once he entered the kitchen, Nami called after him and followed him into the kitchen as well as the other two spectators of the previous events.

"Sanji what was that?? What Happened?" Nami questioned.

"Yeah! What did you do to (Y/N)-chan?" Chopper chimed in. Luffy recovered from being attacked and listen to the conversation his crew was having.

Sanji just continued to cook, he couldn't believe that someone, especially a woman, could care so little about their health and their appearance that they would look like that. Furthermore, he didnt understand how such perfection like Nami and Robbin could agree that THAT was beautiful.

"Sanji did you really insult her?? What happened?" Nami asked not wanting to believe that the man she knew to be soft with women, could insult one so easily.

"It's not an insult if its true." Sanji stated while continuing most of his focus onto the food he was preparing.

Namis eyes widened in shock, but that shock quickly turned to anger. "YOU INSULTED HER??? ESPECIALLY AFTER I JUST TOLD YOU SHE WAS ATTACKED IN TOWN??" Nami yelled at him.

"Wait..... What happened?? I'm confused." Luffy questioned while tilting his head to his side.

"When Nami, Robbin, and I were in town we found a girl being attacked and helped her out. She said they would come back so we brought her to the ship so she would be safer at least until we left port. Nami was letting her clean off and calm down in her room. Sanji had overheard us talking about her and went to greet her, but then we heard yelling and (Y/N)-chan was upset, then she went back to town." Chopper explained very quickly in a panic.

"Yeah!! She was upset and left cause Sanji insulted her, and now shes in danger again because of him!!!" Nami yelled adding to the explanation that Chopper had just given.

Luffy nodded his head, processing the information that was just given to him. "Looks like you're just gonna have to take Sanji over to apologize, right Nami?" Luffy responded, using the opportunity of Sanjis hesitation to take the food Sanji was working on and eating it.

Sanji had turned to Luffy in disbelief as soon as he registered what his Captain had said. "That sounds like a great idea!!" Nami agreed and before Sanji could think, Nami and Chopper had grabbed Sanji and ran off the ship, Robbin following calmly behind them.

Sanji x (Eating Disorder!)(Plus Size!)ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora