Chapter 6: Unbowed, Unbent, Unblasted.

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"You mean to tell me, that a Cyborg has taken my HOME?!" Robb asked in disbelief when he heard the news. 

"Unfortunately." Anakin answered.

"But if it's any consolation... that Theon Greyjoy doesn't have Winterfell in his possession." Ahsoka added trying to put it in a positive light.

"That's true, Snips. But Grievous has Winterfell." Anakin pointed out.

"And if Grievous is making deals with the Lannisters, then..." Jon said in horror.

"The Lannisters have control of Bran and Rickon." Robb finished. Now they had both his sisters and his brothers. He turned to his Second, Roose Bolton. "Roose, turn the army north. We're heading home." He ordered.

"Your Grace. There's another option. My bastard can get your brothers out. We were already sending him in when Theon took the Castle." Roose advised.

"I think that would be foolish, Lord Bolton." Obi Wan replied. "The Separatists are not the Greyjoys. They have weapons and soldiers that far surpass your own. And you still have the Lannisters to the South." 

"What is it that you're suggesting General Kenobi?" Robb asked. 

"The Lannisters are the weaker enemy. Deal with them and we will deal with the Separatists." Obi Wan answered.

"And what of Bran and Rickon?" Robb asked. "Grievous has them hostage, and I'm pretty sure he'll kill him. If he's the psychopath you claim he is."  

"Grievous would be even more reckless then I thought, if he hurts your brothers. No. He's using them to keep the North in line." Obi Wan replied.

"Even more reckless than you thought?" Ahsoka asked sarcastically.

"I know Grievous, and he's not a reckless animal. If he was, I would've destroyed him long ago." Obi Wan clarified.

"So what do we do?" Jon asked.

"We need to be patient." Obi Wan answered.

"Patience really isn't my strongest suit." Anakin replied. 

"Yeah, because we usually just charge head in and everything works fine." Ahsoka added.

"Not this time, Ahsoka. We need an actual plan." Obi Wan advised.

"We got one." Anakin announced just like that as he snapped his fingers. 

"We do?" Jon asked.

"We do?" Sam asked.

"We do." Ygritte answered. She turned to Anakin. "What was it again?" She asked.

"We can't fight a war on two fronts. So I say we focus our attention south and take down the Lannisters with a one hit punch." Anakin explained. "We can then kick the Separatists off Westeros in safety."

"A good idea Anakin, but that war against the Lannisters could drag on for months." Obi Wan replied.

"Not on a primitive world, like this one." Anakin shot back.

"We're primitive?" Roose whispered to Robb.

"Yes, Lord Roose." Obi Wan answered. "You don't have hyperdrive, no blasters, no flying machines of any kind, you also don't even have Steam Powder or an internal combustion engine. So yes, you're primitive."

Roose seemed to take offense to that. So did Robb.

"Well it's not our fault. We weren't on any of the hyperspace routes." Sam protested.

"Wait, how do you know what Hyperspace is?" Jon asked.

"I asked the Jedi." Sam answered.

"Obi Wan, with the Separatists involved, it does give us reason to engage the Lannisters." Anakin explained.

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