Chapter 23: Same Game. Different Players

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"Here we are. Coruscant." Anakin announced to the Westerosi. 

 Sam looked in astonishment. Anakin was right. King's Landing looked like a mere speck compared to Coruscant. "Is all of the planet one big city?" He asked.

"Yep." Anakin answered looking at Sam's astonished look. "Yep. I had the same reaction when I first came to the planet."

The ship entered orbit and landed by the Military Complex and from there a Shuttle took Anakin, Obi Wan, Ahsoka, R2, Sam, Rex, Cody, Fives, Hardcase, Waxor, Boil, Jesse, Tup, Kix, and Littlefinger to the Senate building. Davos had stayed with Yularen, protocols and all of that. As for the main group. A herd of Senators including the Chancellor were there to greet them.

"Welcome home, Master Jedi." Palpatine greeted with open arms. 

Anakin smiled and bowed. "Chancellor." He replied.

"We apologize we could not capture Grievous." Obi Wan apologized.

"Don't be." Palpatine assured. "While it is unfortunate that General Grievous was able to escape. We congratulate the welcome of a new Planet to join the Republic." He then looked at Sam. "And I see you've found someone else."

Sam stood before Palpatine. "Hello. Samwell Tarly here. I'm a New member of the Jedi Order." He introduced.

Palpatine nodded back to him. "Well congratulations are in order. I hear new Jedi recruits are hard to find these days given the state of things." 

"The state of things?" Sam asked.

"He means the war." Ahsoka explained. "We're so occupied with fighting the Separatists and Count Dooku that we've had hardly enough time to find more recruits."

"Oh." Sam realized. He forgot that the Clone Wars was not over.

That was also when Littlefinger approached the Chancellor.

"And this is Senator Peter Baelish." Anakin introduced. 

Littlefinger bowed before the Chancellor. "An honor to meet you, Your Excellency." He greeted. "I've heard tales of a Strong Chancellor that has been keeping the fragile state of the Republic together."

"Boot licking won't get  you far in this senate, Senator Baelish. Nice try." Palpatine informed.

"Naturally." Littlefinger replied. "If the Republic was indeed run by boot lickers. This state would've collapsed long ago. I don't intend to be one of those. I intend to be a Senator, uncorrupted and only concerned for the well being of his planet, as much as seeing this Senate through it's most trying of times." He had that grin of his going again. Baelish may not have been a man in the Senate for so long, but he knew how to play politics. He was in King's Landing after all. 

"Good. I'd hate to have another corrupt politician in my Senate." Palpatine said.

"Politicians are all corrupt, Your Excellency. I'm at the very least an honorable corrupt man." Littlefinger replied. 

Palpatine thought this Baelish definitely had a mouth for politics. And he could sense that he certainly pulled some strings and greased some palms to get what he wanted. 

Obi Wan could see that everything was going just fine. "Well, come Sam." He motioned. "Let's get back to the Jedi Temple. We'll get you into your new robes, and begin your Jedi training."

Sam's smile lit up. "Wow!" He was ecstatic to get going.

"Coming Anakin?" Obi Wan asked.

"Actually, Master Kenobi. May I have a word with Anakin for a moment?" Palpatine requested.

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