Chapter 22: The Wolf and the Rose.

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The next week saw the Republic and the Jedi repairing the city. After it was learned that Grievous tried to burn down the city to destroy the enemy, public support for the Separatists completely evaporated. The Republic on the other hand helped the people when they needed it. Robb would be staying in King's Landing as King. He would need a new Hand of the King, and suitable candidates would come forward. Varys would stay as Master of Whispers. The Blackfish who had managed to escape the Twins would also come to King's Landing and help serve as Master of War. But Robb still needed a Master of Coin, Ships, Laws and a Grand Maester. It certainly was a lot of responsibility. Winning was easy. Governing's harder. 

As for House Lannister. Tyrion bent the knee. With the Separatists pulled out, there was no sense in continuing the war. And Robb didn't think it wise to kill Tyrion and install chaos in the Westerlands. Besides he owed Tyrion for protecting Sansa when she was a hostage in King's Landing. Tommen would be an heir to Casterly Rock, or maybe Storm's End. That would be decided later. House Frey was stripped of its power, land and title, and would be investigated into their recent attacks against the Starks. Jon would return to Winterfell to take up the post as Warden of the North. And Sansa, Arya, and Bran would be going with him. Jon would have a lot of rebuilding to do. Finally, for House Bolton. They would also be stripped of power from the Dreadfort. The only possible heir for Roose Bolton was his bastard Ramsay Snow. So, Robb ordered that Ramsay be hunted down if he did not comply with the law and also for disturbing rumors that Robb heard about the Bastard of the Dreadfort.

Sansa was out by the gardens looking at the sea as ships were coming into the repaired harbor. Maybe it would also be a matter of time before many star ships would exchange trade as well with the planet. The world would be changing more rapidly then anyone could think. Technology would be next generation and their planet would be connected to the Galaxy.

"Hello, Sansa." Margery greeted over by the terrace.

"Lady Margery." Sansa greeted with a smile.

"Just call me Margery." Margery corrected. "We are going to be sisters soon aren't we?" 

Sansa smiled. It was one way for her and Margery to be sisters. "It feels strange, ever since Father was murdered I've been a prisoner. And now, I'm free again." She said.

"I can only imagine." Margery replied. 

"Sorry it didn't work out between me and Loras." Sansa apologized.

"Oh don't be. It's not your fault the Lannisters made that whole plot." Margery replied. And the truth was that this was better for the Tyrells. They may not have married to Sansa and got the North, but they got something better. The Iron Throne. And it was thanks to the Republic. Both women decided to go for a walk. 

"Thank you, by the way. For everything you've done for me and my family." Sansa also thanked.

"I should be thanking you. You warned us of the monster that Joffrey was." Margery replied.

"Is that what made your Father and Brother turn against him?" Sansa asked.

"Yes." Margery answered. Even though that was partially true from a certain point of view. "My father may be a fat head, but he does care about his family. Though I suppose if I did marry Joffrey, we would kill him when we got the chance."

Sansa looked at Margery funny. But then she laughed. "You're joking right?"

Margery laughed too. "Of course. Could you imagine if that actually happened?"

But Margery then looked at Sansa. "Now tell me, what's your brother like?" She asked.

"What?" Sansa asked.

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