Chapter 20: The Battle of King's Landing.

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Sirens wailed all throughout the city. Civilians were taking shelter and locking their doors. Lannister Troops, and Battle Droids were taking positions at the walls all through out the city. The Republic were coming. As for the Red Keep. Tyrion was walking with Bronn near the Throne Room. "This isn't going to be like Blackwater." Tyrion said to Bronn. 

"I don't think your little Wildfire trick will work this time, Milord." Bronn commented.

"You're right." Tyrion admitted. This wasn't Stannis Baratheon and his ships. This was the Jedi. Warriors who were versatile in all different types of combat. And Clones who were trained for war. He went off to see Shae and Sansa in the main hall before he left for his post. And just like Blackwater Bay, the two were there in the throne room.

"Sansa." Tyrion greeted.

"My Lord." Sansa greeted back. She put on a terrified face, but really she was happy the Republic was coming. That meant Robb was coming to take the city. "I pray that you stay safe."

Tyrion shrugged himself. "I can understand that. We are man and wife after all, are we not?"

"Of course." Sansa answered weakly. 

That was also when Margery and Loras walked in. Loras wore the same armor that Renly Baratheon had worn. Olenna was also with them. "Being thrown into coop with a foolish flock of hens. Oh, I can just imagine the cramping." Olenna thought out loud.

"It's for our protection, Grandmother." Margery explained.

But Olenna wasn't convinced. "If they wanted to give us protection, they would've given us all blasters, or swords. But no. They store us all with the Queen Mother in a Holdfast. Though she might get drunk. I heard things get interesting when the Lannisters are drunk."

"Well you're more than welcome to pick up a sword and armor, Grandmother." Loras offered.

"True, but unlike you I wouldn't get knocked into the ground like a silly boy." Olenna shot back as Loras sighed. That was his Grandmother for him.

And that was when Joffrey in his armor came forth with the King's Guard. "Lady Margery." He noticed. "You're King rides forth to battle."

Margery put on a smile. "I pray that you will be victorious as you were with Stannis. May I kiss your blade?" She asked.

"Of course." Joffrey answered pulling out his sword, and Margery gave it a kiss. "The next time you see this sword. It will be covered in Robb Stark's blood. He will be dead along with these Jedi. And you and I will be married in the greatest wedding the world has ever seen." He declared. But Joffrey then turned to Loras. "Come Ser Loras. We need to speak of our defense."

"Stay safe, Sister. Grandmother." Loras turned to the ladies.

"And you dear brother." Margery replied.

"Come my dear." Olenna insisted as she nodded politely to Loras.

"Ser Meryn. Could you escort Lady Sansa?" Joffrey asked with a wicked smile.

Meryn then escorted Sansa out of the Throne Room. But Tyrion knew what was going on. "You're not escorting my wife to the other ladies are you?" He asked.

Joffrey shook his head. "Sansa will serve me in another purpose." He explained.

Tyrion was about to argue, until Tywin forced everyone to come up to him. In attendance were Tywin, Joffrey, Bronn, Kevan Lannister, Tyrion, Grievous, Mace, Loras, Jamie Lannister, Theon Greyjoy, and Sam's father: Randyll Tarly. 

"The Lannister Forces will hold the streets and the assist the Droids. We'll keep the Tyrells in reserve and send Theon to protect the harbors." Tywin explained.

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