Chapter 13: Rules of War and Arrogant Attitudes.

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It was late at night when the corpses of Martyn and Willem Lannister were brought before Robb, Obi Wan, Jon, Sam, Ygritte, Edmure, Catelyn, and Talisa. In fact everyone had just woken up. Except for Obi Wan who was meditating. Far easier for him to recharge his Midi-chlorians that way, like any other Jedi. Both Sam and Talisa looked in pure horror at the sight. 

"Who would do such a thing like this?" Sam asked.

"Bring them in." A very angry Robb ordered Cody.

Cody nodded and opened the door to Waxor, Boil, and Brynden brought in Rickard Karstark and five others held captive.

"Is this all of them?" Robb asked.

"They gave us a bit of a fight sir." Cody answered pushing Karstark forward. 

"So it takes five armed soldiers to murder two unarmed and sleeping squires?" Obi Wan asked.

"Not murder, Jedi. Vengeance." Karstark corrected.

"Vengeance?" Robb asked. "Those boys didn't kill your sons. I saw Harrien die on the battlefield. And Torren--"

"Was strangled by the Kingslayer." Karstark interrupted. "They were his kin-"

"THEY WERE BOYS!!" Robb yelled. This was becoming a new record for how many times, Robb was getting angry in one month alone, and Jon was keeping count. But it did shut Rickard up. "Look at them." 

"Tell your mother to look at them." Rickard shot back as he looked at Catelyn sitting in a corner and looking down. "She killed him as much as I."

"Lady Stark had nothing to do with this." Jon commented. "This was your treason."

"If you are going to commit treason, at least do it like a man. But I highly doubt you are even one, "Lord Karstark."" Ygritte added with a mocking tone.

"Stay out of this you savage." Karstark commanded as Cody bonked him in the head.

"You're not in a position to make demands, pal." Cody reminded.

"It's treason to free your enemies." Karstark turned back to Robb and Jon. "In war, you kill your enemies. Did your father not teach you that boy, or you Bastard?" He asked.

That's when Sam walked up and punched Karstark in the face. "Jon Snow is more of a man than you'll ever be." He stated angrily. Nobody insulted his friend like that.

"Samwell, leave him." Robb ordered. But it was a nice punch that Sam landed. And Robb did appreciate Sam doing that to Rickard. And if Sam wasn't going to do it then Brynden was.

"You do kill your enemies in war. But not when they are in our custody. We do that and we are no better then the Lannisters or the Separatists. Cleary you understand that in your old age." Obi Wan corrected.

"Aye, leave me to the King. He wants to give me a scolding before he sets me free. That's how he deals with treason. Aye, King in the North. Or should I call him, the King who lost the North." Rickard insulted.  

The tension was flowing through the air. Obi Wan could sense the growing rage burning inside of Robb. Frankly it was a miracle he was keeping himself intact. Finally he took a deep breath.

"Commander. Escort Lord Rickard to the Dungeons. Get a firing squad and shoot the rest." Robb ordered.

Obi Wan was shaking his head, disappointed by what just happened. But he did nod at Cody to follow the order.

"Sir yes sir." Cody replied. They started to escort the traitors out. 

"Mercy sire! I didn't kill anyone! I only watched for the Clones!" One begged.

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