Chapter 28 - Travels

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Warnings: Use of narcotics/illegal substances and alcohol abuse

And please never drive/pilot any vehicle or aircraft while under the influence. If you do, I'll break your kneecaps.


"It'll take some time to get to Naboo, I was hoping you wouldn't have to be there for a certain time." Ezekiel sighed, clicking a few more buttons before undoing their seatbelt.

"You can unbuckle that now, she flies well enough once in the air... sort of..." they mumbled, standing up and walking past her into the corridor.

Saiph still sat on the seat behind Ezekiel's seat, fiddling with her hands. So far, she had been successful but in her hastiness, she had not planned as to what she would say to him... to her master. What would she even do?? It was in this moment that Saiph began to realize that she had been foolish in leaving.

She mentally scolded herself for being so stupid. What would Obi-Wan have said? Probably that she shouldn't act so blindly on her emotions. What was she to get out of this? What satisfaction would she need? And Saiph then realized that she did not know what she wanted.

And that made her anxious.


"Kid." Ezekiel said, Leaning on the doorway. Saiph was currently asleep in the cot inside the wall. The only response received by Ezekiel was silence.

"Hey kid!" They spoke up more earnestly walking over and nudged Saiph awake. She opened her eyes, seeing Ezekiel staring down at her.

"You should really eat something." They said, taking a step back so that Saiph could stand up.

Saiph swung her legs round and sat on the edge of the cot in the wall, trying to take in where she was. Ah yes, she remembered now, she snuck out of the temple, into the hangar and met Ezekiel who was a pilot and did delivery service for parts, hooking up a ride to Naboo where she was going to find her Master and... talk to him? She still hadn't figured that part out as of yet.

"I'll be right back." Ezekiel said, shuffling over to a cupboard and sliding it opens, rummaging through it's continents.

Then something bumped into Saiph's leg, making her look down, it was a small... well, a very small droid. It was green and white with a cone for a head which was sideways and a singular wheel which was allowing the droid to roll into her right leg continuously. She stood up, the droid backing up and following her as she went to the cockpit, to look at the space outside of the ship and sat down in her seat.

She reached down to touch the said droid but it rolled back and exclaimed, "Uh- no thank you!"

Saiph retracted her hand quickly, shocked that the droid was communicating in galactic basic.

"That's D-O," Ezekiel had said, taking a bite out of something that Saiph could only assume was bread. "That's my droid."

"That's amazing that he can do that!" Saiph marvelled, examining the small droid, "How did you do it?"

"I simply just reprogrammed it, moved a few wires here and there and put in a new disc, nothing fancy."

Ezekiel shuffled over and handed her some bread and a Meiloorun fruit. "It's all I got at the moment, sorry about that. You thirsty?" Ezekiel asked and Saiph nodded and smiled, "Yes."

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