Chapter 37 - A War on Two Fronts

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 "Excited to meet the rebels?" Saiph asked Ahsoka. The two of them were leaning against the walls closest to the cockpit, up the ladder. They were both clad in their robes and cloaks, preparing for their 'stealth landing' onto Onderon. 

Ahsoka grinned, "I am. But, I am a bit worried about what could go wrong, or if we give them the wrong impression about-"

"I'm sure it'll be fine." Saiph tried to relax the Padawan next to her, placing a calming hand on her shoulder. "Besides, you have your friend there right?"

Ahsoka scrunched her face in confusion, "Who?"

"Lux... Lux Bonteri." Saiph sighed, she had a feeling Ahsoka knew exactly who she was speaking about, "Don't you remember Lux? You LITERALLY had me help you-"

"Yes, yes of course I remember Lux!" Ahsoka exclaimed, throwing her hands up in defence. "I wouldn't be able to forget him if I tried." She joked and Saiph kept her eyes on Ahsoka. 

"What does that mean?" She inquired and Ahsoka looked puzzled.


"What you just said-" Saiph explained, "-what does that mean?"

"Don't look too much into it." Ahsoka shrugged, rubbing her forehead. "It was a long mission." Checking her comm, she peeked over her shoulder. "Speaking of which, we should get going."

Saiph was now feeling irked, she knew she was being annoying, but she moved forward regardless. 

"We never actually got to talk bout what happened, Ahsoka." She pitched up, following her friend as she made her way to where their masters were. "You looked very conflicted that day."

"It's in the past Saiph. Just drop it." She hissed in a whisper over her shoulder.

"This is Valkyrie 2929. We're coming up on the drop zone." The pilot's voice rang through the speakers.

As the hatch of the ship opened, a gust of wind came in, blowing everyone back a step as they adjusted to the wind.

"Are you ready?" Obi-Wan asked and Saiph nodded, tugging at her cloak, she pulled it overtop of her head, shadowing her face.

"Go, go, go, go!" The clone manning the hatch shouted over the wind, waving his arm to signal the four Jedi. Saiph watched as Anakin and Obi-Wan jumped first followed by Ahsoka afterwards. Saiph watched them go before flipping over the edge, it took a few seconds of airtime before she softly landed on the ground below her. The rumbling of the ship remained for a few moments before it lifted away from the roof of the trees, the lights beginning to shrink away and the sounds of the nighttime nature enveloping everything around them.

When she did land, she saw Obi-Wan waiting for her. She noticed that Anakin was already on the move, running through the bush.  She made her way to her master and as she did, she closed her eyes momentarily, the crickets singing their melodies in the night. 

"It's so calm." She whispered to Obi-Wan and he smiled in return. 

"It really is... Go up with Ahsoka in the trees, we do not want them to leave us behind." He teased and Saiph smirked. Regardless of the time of the day, Obi-Wan always seemed to have something to say. 

Then, she force jumped herself up to a high branch, hoping to find Ahsoka so that she would not get left in the dark forest. The air was humid, but rather pleasant. The skies were also clear, allowing the starlight to reflect through the canopy of trees. Saiph tried to squint through the darkness but, her eyes were failing her. Taking a deep breath in, she tuned into the force, feeling for where her friend was...

Then she sensed movement. Just to her right, possibly 20 yards away. 

Found you. She thought and jumped to another branch. She stumbled momentarily, it wasn't everyday that she was jumping through the trees. She'd definitely need more practice. Lightening and shortening her steps, she balanced herself out, running over the long branches, trying not to jump too much- she didn't want a branch to the face.

Eventually, she caught up to her friend.

"Where were you?" Ahsoka whispered, "I was getting worried."

"Well," Saiph started, catching her breath, "You don't need to be anymore. I'm here." Saiph grinned, "You're lucky I didn't fall out of a tree, then you'd never get to see my face again."

Ahsoka rolled her eyes, "I think I could do without it for one day." She snipped back sarcastically with a smirk. Saiph maintained her grin, but frowned when she saw Ahsoka's expression change to one of amusement.

"What?" She whispered, "What's so funny?"

"You have a twig in your hair." Ashoka stated softly, she reached a hand to Saiph's head.

"Hold still." She said even quieter and Saiph held her breath. She watched as Ahsoka reached behind her ear and tugged lightly on the piece in her hair, untangling it. Saiph noticed that Ahsoka's eyes had a different hint of blue within them, focused and determined... It made her feel light headed... no matter- she brushed it off.

"There you go." Ahsoka smiled dropping her hand. "That's a bit better." 

"Thanks..." Saiph replied gently.

"No problem."

The two girls sat there for a moment, holding eye contact for a few moments till Ahsoka looked away down to the forest floor.  She pointed out to where Anakin was, hooded and mysterious.

Then- they heard a voice from down below.

"Stay where you are. Identify yourselves."


I started this on Valentine's Day (:0)


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