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On the planet of Zeridian the bustling cities shined even from space as millions of people went about their lives. Almost every plot of land was crowded and nothing was left untouched by the inhabitants living there. There was even some that were not quite human and stood out like a sore thumb but no one seemed to care. They were living in peace and prosperity. But that peace was soon about to change.

In orbit around the planet, multiple ships including a few with odd hulls were all around the planet and even some patrolling around the system. In one of the ships, an admiral of this defense fleet could be seen sitting down in a private room as multiple live videos of high ranking officials surfaced throughout the room. Highly disputed conflicts, operations, projects, and even files were being sent back and forth.

The topic that they were on now was about the repeated rumors of civilization in the new galaxy that millions of their people was in. No one knew how they would react to their presence as they did everything they could to stop the repeat of their past mistakes.

"There are signals and even messages throughout this galaxy. Numbering from the billions. Maybe even more. Specifically near the center. We believe we aren't alone here." The admiral says. His chest was decorated with many ribbons and medals some dating back years ago. He was clearly a man with status.

"Keep your presence hidden for now admiral. We still have to make preparations for our arrival in this galaxy. We don't know what to expect and the last thing we need is a war breaking out because some civilization wants us dead." A man speaks out. He was the chief of naval operations and had control over everything under the navy.

"My fleet have been doing this for years but I don't know if we will keep it up for much longer. Sooner or later these people will stumble on us. Will the protocols stay the same or what? We can't just shoot them on sight. Relations with them will drop if they find out about this."

"It will stay the same on them not going on the planet. Diplomacy or not. They're not allowed to set foot on that planet under any circumstances. If someone accidentally arrives. Drive them away. But if they're there for a reason, bring them on one of your ships. But be cautious. I don't need a ship randomly blowing up. If you need to, bring a squad of elites with you. I'm sure they would like to handle any problems that occur." Nodding his head the rest of the officials video goes off and just as the admiral was about to do the same a file he knew all to well popped up in his face.

Another man then speaks out and he was a man that wanted answers.

"Admiral how is the success of project Stargate? There hasn't been any updates on each of their success for a while."

"The cadets are doing good. Just a few minor problems here and there but nothing has really changed."

"What type of problems?"

"It's their abilities. They are getting stronger and some of them are unlike anything we have ever seen before. We're still trying to understand how they got these abilities and how they work but it seems to be causing strain on some of them. This wasn't happening in the early stages of the project."

"Make sure to give a report on every single one of them. I want everything. Their thoughts, movements, personalities, and even hobbies. Everything admiral. We cannot let this slip up. They may be the next big thing. Maybe even more than the spartans themselves. That is why project Stargate cannot fail." His voice was dead serious and for a moment the admiral himself believed they could be bigger than even the infamous spartans. They were dealing with something completely out of their hands.

"How are they taking it though. Results of their training isn't as good as I liked but it's a start."

"For the most part they're doing good. One of them looks promising. I'm sure you know who I'm talking about."

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