Chapter 3

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On a UNSC ship

"Captain, we are receiving a transmission from admiral Jackson." An officer says.

"Send it to my quarters. I'll speak to him privately." The captain says as he walks off. Before long he enters his quarters to see a big screen of the admiral looking over something.

"Admiral! I'm guessing you wanted more details about what happened on Coruscant?"

"And you guessed right. What the hell happened down there, captain!?"

"Do you perhaps have any intel of your own that could help us? We weren't expecting something like this to happen."

"All I know is that six men are dead including an envoy. Do you have any idea how much tension this has created between us and the republic?" The admiral said all of this with a straight face and looked more disappointed than angry at the captain.

"I would completely blame the republic for their inability to provide security for their docks but I will also hold you accountable for this as well captain. Information from the black box of the pelican says they should've been warned of the attack seconds before the hit. Their readiness falls on you captain. I don't know if they will let this slide but some are debating on calling this failure a leadership mistake."

The captain looked as if he wanted to say something but shut his mouth and nodded his head. "I will take partial blame for this incident admiral. But before you go I want to give you the investigation we were able to conclude with so far. We were even able to pull up a video of the scene before it was mysteriously deleted. We could've gotten more information but they denied us from investigating further."

Pressing a few buttons a report pops up in front of the admiral as he looks it over. The video that the captain sent showed the pelican lifting off before a white smoke line sped towards the pelican. A loud bang went off as the pelican was hit and just as it was about to crash imon the dock, the video stopped.

"That was all we were able to recover as the rest is just gone. If you zoom in on the far right of the buildings you can see the suspect right before he attacked. We think he was trying to cover his tracks by deleting most of the footage."

More and more information started to be sent to the admiral and he looked over each of them carefully. The admiral dragged a finger along his chin before looking back at the captain. Like he was conflicted.

"And you said they denied you from looking further in the scene right?"

"Yes. It was the weirdest thing. At first they were even helping us throughout the scene but then they just kicked us out like we were getting the way. The only reason I could see them doing this is because they didn't want us finding out what really happened. Like they're hiding something."

"You think someone within the republic has something to do with this?"

"It's the only logical solution I can see. They're saying it was a bounty hunter just like you can see in the video. But no one was supposed to know we were coming. The only people who should've known about us were those Jedi and those in the government for the republic. If they say it was the separatist then they either have to be lying or someone deliberately gave us away to go against them."

"I'll make sure all the details are in your report. Others will not see it your way but I will take your word for it. I won't lie to you, captain. Some of our people back on Zeridian want blood for whoever did this to us. Not even a few hours on their turf and seven lives were already lost. It makes them look like barbarians who can't control their own people. Doesn't make it better that their is trillions of them just in that one planet."

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