Chapter 1

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Somewhere in hyperspace


"Yes sir?"

"Set a course for Coruscant if we find nothing. This search has gone on long enough."


"Wait! We can't just give up! The council is depending on us." A young man spoke up.

He was a Jedi knight while the other was a Jedi master with his padawan who was minding his business in the back. Hoods covered their entire body and you could barely tell that they were human if you didn't know better.

They have been searching for the force sensitive that the council have spoken of for days but with no success. It was like a beacon to those strong in the force when it first happened. But now it was dim. Almost entirely gone.

"As much as I want to find this person, we cannot go on much further. We've already gone past republic space and besides, I can no longer feel anything in the force. It's like they disappeared."

"The council isn't going to like this."

Finally jumping out of hyperspace the first thing they all saw out of the cockpit was a ship many times bigger than them. Its side was facing them as multiple of its weapons were pointed right at them ready to tear them to pieces. Almost like they knew they were coming.

"They're hailing us! Should I patch us in?"

"Answer it. We don't want them to see us as an enemy." The Jedi quickly warned as he looked cautiously at the ship in front of them.

It had an odd shape. One that none of them have ever seen before. It had a long yet thin design with a gap in the front of the ship. On the side of its hull a big emblem was visibly seen even from the distance they were at. It was what looked like an eagle standing on a globe with the words unsc printed between it. Before they all could look longer their comms went off as a man yelled out.

"Unidentified ship! Identify yourself immediately and state your purpose in intruding in Zeridian space or you will be deemed hostile and eliminated!"

Moving forward the Jedi master took control of the situation and tried to smooth things down. "We are envoys sent by the Jedi council. We wish to speak to the ones in charge here for a matter that is of great concern."

After saying that a moment of silence is all that happens before the same voice enters their comms again.

"A squad of our fighters will escort you to our flagship. If you divert course you will be considered hostile. This is your only warning."

The comms then goes off as five smaller aircraft sped their way past them before circling around and boxing them in.

"I don't like the looks of this. There were never signs of life this far in the galaxy. Just who are these people?" The Jedi knight questioned.

"We're about to find out. And it seems we are in the right place. I can sense someone strong in the force here."

"So the person is here then?"

"Yes. In fact there are multiple here. It's faint but I can feel it."

"But master, is this wise? This could be a trap. We know nothing about these people. I've studied every location known in the galaxy and none were this far out." The Padawan spoke.

"A planet hidden from us perhaps. But if they have ships like that they shouldn't have had a problem in contacting us. Surely they have the technology to do so."

As they continued to figure out what exactly was going on. The pilots of the small cruiser looked ahead in absolute awe and horror.

"S-sir you may want to see this." The pilot's eyes were wide like he couldn't believe what he was seeing. The three Jedi quickly look out the cockpit again only to be surprised just as them.

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