Chapter 8

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"I don't know which one is worse. The Republic or the separatist? Both sides wanted us to join them but we weren't having it. The Republic kept fucking us over and the Separatist were getting closer and closer to our territory with their fleet. So we sent ours in retaliation. It's gotten to the point we don't even think about contacting either of them now. We think a war is about to erupt with how things have gone so far. But besides the mandalorians we are silent to everyone in this galaxy. And let's not forget about the Jedi. Peacekeepers they say. Always butting in problems they have no business in. At least the mandalorians were nice enough to send us some valuable information about them. Some of them I'm sure the duchess would hate to hear. Because they weren't just about the teachings the Jedi undergo and the abilities they have. But also how to kill one.

-Terran soldier

Years later
Geonosis- Battle Arena (Nothing major has happened during those years. Also because I just want to get to the action already.)

The sounds of lightsabers and blaster fire was all that could be heard in the arena. Dozens of droid's and Jedi were battling each other. Rows of droids could be seen destroyed but there were also fallen Jedi in the mix with burning holes in their bodies.

In the fighting there was a particular person that wasn't supposed to be in the fighting but they were in the arena fighting anyway. It was Waneta.

She had discretely snuck on one of the ships heading towards Geonosis and even hid herself to document things. Plans, names, abilities, strategies, and even things about Count Dooku were among the many things she was recording. But everything had gone out of control once hundreds of droids had appeared. She not only got compromised but she also had to join in the fighting.

The first ones to notice her appearance were the Jedi masters as they were the ones who had found her and some couldn't help but stare at her in mild confusion and shock.

And what made it worse was that it was fairly easy to notice her. Not because everyone knew her. Not because of her height or that she was still considered a youngling. But because of her lightsabers. They weren't the typical blue or green colors like other Jedi would typically get. But black and white as the white had a black hue while the black lightsaber had a white hue to it. And instead of making a regular humming noise like regular lightsabers, it crackled and took an unstable form. In short you would know who it was before even looking at her.

All the Jedi masters knew exactly who those lightsabers belonged to. The only ones who didn't know were most of the Jedi knights and Padawans who hadn't heard of her.

But even with the chaos happening all around them a Jedi master couldn't help but think how and why she was here. His purple lightsaber was in front of him as he deflected a blaster bolt back at the droid who had fired it at him with ease before taking a defensive stance next to her.

"You better have a good explanation for what you are doing here Waneta." Without even looking at the person she knew exactly who it was.

"Master Windu. As much as I want to answer you, I don't think now's a good time." She then slices apart two battle droids who had gotten too close as Windu does the same to another.

"This conversation isn't over." He then looked ahead as an armored individual with a jetpack killed a Jedi with two well placed shots before going up in the air once again. Mace Windu then disappeared amongst chaos as he ran forward towards the bounty hunter.

As the battle continued a Jedi Padawan fell down in agony as a B2 battle droid had shot him right in his leg. The droid then aimed right for his head for the killing shot only for a blast to knock it backwards as it hit numerous other droids behind it. Blocked a few blaster bolts coming her way she quickly turned to the fallen Jedi.

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