Chapter 7: We're Soldiers

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[Log 7]

[Learning about the truth so nothing I would expected. I thought this war had meaning but in the end we are all pawns. And here I thought good soldiers follow orders but instead... for us not all good soldiers follow orders now. For all I know we are now enemies of the Empire and to our brothers. What should I do?]

[End Log]

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Clone facility: Datamac

It was a sad week for the clones of the 222nd

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It was a sad week for the clones of the 222nd. Now learning that their Jedi friends might be gone and the new rising Empire on the horizon they all feel misplaced and lost. Now commander Umbra now face the clone memorial questioning the entire thing until he was interrupted by Amber with her new clone armor and her new Dc-15 LE in hand.

Amber: Hey commander, it's been awhile.

Umbra: Yeah it has. I see that armor fits you.

Amber: Yeah I just need to do a paint job later. *notice the memorial* So... these are the names of the clones who fought on the first battle of Geonosis?

Umbra: Yes. I was apart of the attack as well.

Amber: I see.

Then there was a long pause between the two. They just stared at the memorial without saying a world to each other.

Umbra: Tell me something Amber. This new world... are we making it better?

Amber: You're a soldier Umbra. You do what's need to be done for peace.

Umbra: Do you know what's makes us different from clankers?

Amber: What?

Umbra: We make our own decisions, our own choices. And... we have to live with them too.

Amber: Listen Umbra, you can start a new life here. Forget the Empire and focus on us.

Umbra: Us?

Amber: *blush* I-I meant was focus on the people of Remnant! They need the 222nd more than ever. Plus if the Empire ever comes here we need all the help we can get.

Umbra: ... *sigh* You're right. What matters most is preparing Remnant for an upcoming attack if this Empire ever comes here. *calls on comms* What is it?

Niel: Sir Ozpin want to speak with you back at Beacon. He said that General Ironwood is there too.

Umbra: On the way.

Amber: Well... good luck on the meeting sir. *solutes*

Umbra: Heh same to you.

End Music

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