Chapter 11: Brick by brick

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[Log 11]

[With the capture of Raven Branwen we are now moving on to aiding the other kingdoms across Ramnant. I ordered Lieutenant Neil to send our forces to Mistral for aid. I've heard their walls have not been fixed or upgraded so we decided to aid them.]

[End Log]


Brick POV

Greetings I'm CT-1139 or nickname Brick. My was sent with a squad of my brothers to find any signs of White Fang in the area until we received new orders to go to Mistral to help them. That's when this didn't go as planned. As the squad got on the gunsships they depart but there was just one problem.

Clone: Hey has anyone seen 1137 and 1139?

They forgot us.

Myself: Hey you guys! Come back here!

Lego: Oh come on where are you goin? We're still down here!

They left me and my buddy Lego alone only leaving us with some weapons and an outpost with only clankers guarding it. We thought we were the only living beings out here. Well that was about to change real quick. Both Lego and I notice in the distance a truck filled on the back with some White Fang grunts heading north from where we are. Luckily they didn't notice us so we need a plan.

Lego: Know what they are saying?

Myself: Something about Atlas secret facility, here in the area, destroy the Republic.

Lego: Destroy the Republic? We need to stop them.

Myself: Agree... *notice a crate* Hey I have an idea.

Lego: Ah.

We got right to work. We opened the crate and parts to make a TX-130 came out now seeing we have a long way on making our tank.

Lego: I guess it's some assembly required.

Myself: Well let's start cracking.

Time skip

Lego: Did I ever mention I always wanted my own tank?

Myself: Only about million times a day.

I guess the White Fang must have been pretty bored with us. That changed quick as we run over two of them along the way.


The secret weapon has to be around here somewhere and we are going to find it. A White Fang patrol. They wanted to know if we are friends or foes. Uh friends?

Lego: EAT HOT LASER FURRIES!!! *fires* HAHA!!!

I guess it wasn't all that friendly. We traveled north as we noticed some old Atlas vehicles abandoned on the road. We followed the trail only to lead us to an abandoned facility in the middle of nowhere and to my surprise a big gun in the middle of it all. My assumption on why this place was abandoned was because of the Grimm. Those things are everywhere.

Myself: Now how did we missed that before?

Well you know what we are gonna do. We rained hell over the entire facility making it nothing more than a heep of ash while Lego went crazy with the weapon controls.



Lego: I love my tank.

Myself: I know buddy. I know.

Then final our rides came back to pick us up after a long day.

Myself: Well well well, look who's back.

Lego: Hey guys we saved the Republic for you.

I guess it's just another day in a life for a clone trooper. Signing off.

Lego: And there we like a bazillion White Fang, and they had a secret but we were like "boom" we got a tank and we saved the entire planet hehe. What's for lunch.


Venator: Forward Dagger

Deck Officer: Sir a message from Ozpin coming up.

Umbra: Put him through.

Ozpin: "Ah commander how are today?"

Umbra: Fine headmaster. We're just cleaning up some White Fang activity near Mistral and Atlas. Also we had with meeting with Sienna Khan, leader of the White Fang. She would like a meeting with the general of Atlas.

Ozpin: "Hmm this could either go smoothly or to a bad turn."

Umbra: I offered my assistance to over see the meeting to make sure there is no conflict within. This might be a peaceful meeting that might involve peace but there is another problem.

Ozpin: "That is?"

Umbra: The Schnee Dust Company. Reports came in that they have Faunus slaves in some of the mines we've encountered. Also Jacques Schnee has partaken on trying to capture our technology but it only ended up in failure. With enough evidence we will make an arrest on him and put him on trial.

Ozpin: " Miss Schnee is not going to like this. Who do you think should the SDC for the time being?"

Umbra: Weiss is technically the next in line but she refuses so I assume Willow should take temporary custody till a proper replacement is made.

Ozpin: "Agree. Also I've heard that the White Fang in Vale have somehow captured an Atlas Prototype. A Paladin."

Umbra: Indeed they have. I ordered both teams JNPR and RWBY along side some clones to assist them in destroying the prototype. They should be done within the hour.

Ozpin: "That's great news. And Amber?"

Umbra: She's green and ready to go back out onto the field. I sent her on a normal patrol around Vale with her own squad. I'll send you the details.

Ozpin: "That's also good. Well then I have just one question commander."

Umbra: That is?

Ozpin: "Will you personally be attending this coming dance? Surely some R&R is good for you and your men."

Umbra: Hmm I'll think about it. Going to a dance is not really my style.

Ozpin: "Well then if you change your mind just let me know. Have a good rest of your day commander."

Umbra: You too headmaster. *ends call*

Deck Officer: Commander you may wanna take a look at this.

Umbra: What is it?

Deck officer: We detect an encrypted message from... a student at Beacon.

Umbra: So you know who?

Deck officer No sir but if you can give me some time I can decrypt the message.

Umbra: Do it and inform me on what happens next.

Deck Officer: Yes sir.

Returned back to the command center he looks at a hologram of Beacon but what caught his eye was a different section of the academy that is cut off and a strange door at the end of it.

Umbra: What are you hiding Ozpin?

To be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15 ⏰

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