Chapter 4

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Percy's first full day at camp, and first day out from under Luke's supervision, was eventful to say the least. The boy somehow managed to go toe-to-toe with the camp bully, Clarisse, and win! He somehow managed to demolish a whole section of the camp bathroom facilities in the process. Then, during the game of capture the flag-likely a daunting task for a kid who'd never so much as picked up a sword before today- he came up against Clarisse again. And, in a shock to everyone, he beat her again! And then of course, there was the whole being claimed by Poseidon on his first day. Some people have all the luck. After that, he was ushered off by Chiron and Dionysus to the Big House, hopefully for a calm discussion and not an interrogation Luke thought as they led Percy away. 

The senior campers decided that in spite of all the excitement, proceeding with the evening campfire was probably the best thing to keep order among all the campers. The fact that a campfire meant the Ares cabin couldn't sneak off to plan revenge on Percy for making a  fool out of Clarisse. Eventually Percy found his way to the campfire, and as soon as he did, the talking died out, and everyone turned to get a look at the camp's new resident celebrity. Luke felt awful for the boy as all the eyes turned on him and everyone began whispering. Percy's face flushed and he took a seat as far as he could from everyone, looking like he wished the ground would swallow him up. Luke couldn't just leave him like that. He couldn't stop all of the whispers and looks, but he could at least do his part to make the kid not feel so alone.

"Hey O' Mighty Son of the Sea God, mind if I sit here?" He asks, patting the seat by Percy. He thought the boy might have cheered up at the company, but instead he just lightly nods his head. Luke was going to have to try a little harder than that. "You know Perce, I can't say I'm not jealous, I was here for like 2 months before Hermes claimed me. I know it probably feels like all eyes are on you, but it really is a big honor, and at the end of the day, everyone here is happy for you," he smiles at Percy.

Percy offered him a wiry smile, though Luke wondered if it was more for his benefit than an actual sign that the comforting efforts were working. He sighed, "I mean I guess I'm excited, but," he paused.

"But what man, you're the son of one of the most powerful gods in the world."

"I just thought I had finally found my place you know?" He says sighing. "I had never fit in at any of the schools I went to; it was always like I was on the outside, and everyone else could sense it no matter how hard I tried to be normal." Percy turned back to Luke, his eyes dry, but certainly mournful. But then I came here, and nobody looked at me weird because they were all like me, for the first time I didn't stand out, and I spent all day thinking 'maybe I can finally be me.' But apparently, I shouldn't even exist, that my being here is a literal disgrace to the universe. I mean yeah, I have cool water powers, but it's just a little bittersweet."

Luke puts his arm around the green-eyed boy's shoulders, "Percy, you are not a disgrace, you might be the coolest person here," he said, trying his best to steer Percy from this line of thought. "And yeah, you were born by breaking the rules, but I am a son of Hermes, and we love breaking rules, so you're more than alright by me. And remember, it's still my job to look after you, and I will personally kick the ass of anyone who talks shit about you. Got it?"

Percy grinned, stronger this time, a little more sure of himself. "Got it. Thank you Luke."

"It's my pleasure. And you know, there is an advantage to being an only child," Luke alludes with a wink.

"And what would that be?" he looked up, puzzled. 

He smiled, "you get your own cabin."

"But I liked the Hermes cabin. My mom didn't have any other kids, so I guess I was looking forward having that many people," Percy complained, disappointed at losing his newfound company. "At least I don't have to worry about sitting on mousetraps though," he laughed, apparently deciding that the time for moping had passed.

Luke found himself enamored by these small displays from Percy. The light laughs and smiles, as few and far between as they may be, really framed the boy in a new light. Whereas he had originally just thought Percy looked cute, he now found himself in a trance almost, trying his best to cheer the boy up so that he could continue getting to know him. Luke didn't really know how, but somehow in a matter of just a couple of days, he had developed a full-blown infatuation with a boy who clearly couldn't feel the same. Still, he would take what he could get. "Come on, Perce," he said with a wide grin, "I'll go help you grab your stuff and we can get you moved in to Cabin 3."


"Fuck, this place is huge," Percy gasps.

"Language young Jackson," Luke teases.

"Really?" He rolls his eyes, "I watched you call a seven year old an asswipe earlier."

"It doesn't count if she's my sister," he defends, "besides, she called me an asshat first."

"You Hermes kids have some really horrible mouths," Percy laughs.

"Well you're not wrong," Luke conceded, "but what kind of mentor would I be if I let them have a bad influence on you."

Percy walked over to a random bunk and set his stuff down. "Hey if you want to, you can stay over anytime you want, even tonight." Percy offered. Luke could have read into the suggestion, but he knew it was just Percy's nerves getting to him as he transitioned from the homey, crowded Hermes cabin to this empty marble chamber. "But you're gonna have to RSVP , because there might not be enough room, this is clearly a camp hotspot," he teases, making a sweeping gesture towards the empty chamber, devoid of all but one bunkbed that had been borrowed from one of the cabins that are actually supposed to have campers.

Luke brightens, "yeah, that'd be awesome, I can bring my Xbox."

"How the hell did you get an Xbox here?" Percy asks, amazed at the guy's thieving abilities.

"That's for me to know and you to not tell Chiron," he says with a light chuckle. "Well Percy, I can't stay tonight, it's just a little short notice, and I need to go check on cabin 11 and make sure no one's burnt it down," he felt bad at the dejected look on Percy's face, and he started to scramble. "But I definitely need to stay over sometime! How does tomorrow sound, you know if there's an opening on the reservation list."

"You're in luck, we're in our off-season," Percy beams as he follows Luke towards the door.

"Perseus Jackson, Son of Poseidon, it was a pleasure having you as a bunkmate," he says in a posh accent. Luke extends his hand, Percy shakes it. Their hands linger a little too long.

Maybe Luke was reading too much into it, a very dangerous line to toe.

But maybe-just maybe-Luke still had a chance.

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