Chapter 22

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Luke POV

15 minutes earlier

Luke still didn't really comprehend how she was able to cuff him to the chair. He was a foot taller and outweighed her by at least 70 pounds, but here he was, arms and legs secured to this heavy piece of metal.

"Luke, Luke, Luke," she chided, "I can't believe you didn't think I'd find out about your little mutiny."

"What in Hades did you expect me to do, Annabeth, I love him."

She sauntered over to him, and sat on his lap, straddling him. It was a position that had the potential to be intimate, had both parties been consenting, but that wasn't the case. It was a power move, meant to demean and belittle, and damn it if it wasn't working.

"You don't love him, Luke," she whispered in his ear, "you've only known the little brat for a month. Besides," she said, grinding into his hips, trying to elicit a reaction, "why would you want him," grind, "when you," grind, "could have me."

"Annabeth," he says sternly, "get off of me. You are a lying, manipulative, whore, and even if you do kill us and destroy Olympus, you will never be even an ounce of the person that he is."

She actually looks surprised by his outburst, but regains her composure and slides off of his lap. "Wow, Luke, you turned down power and wealth for the scrawny excuse for a Poseidon spawn. You turned down me, and a chance for everyone to think you're normal, just so that you could die with him. I mean, I always knew you were weak, but I never knew that you were such a faggot." She knows that she's hit where it hurts, but she keeps going. "Kind of makes you think doesn't it, maybe mommy was right about you all along, you were always going to disappoint her."

He wants to cry out in rage, he wants get up, and do something, anything. But he doesn't. Luke just sits there, staring at the floor, trying not to let the tears fall out, because it would only help prove her point.

A chirping starts. "Well, Luke," she says, walking around behind him and placing her hands on his shoulders. He can feel her jacket pocket brush against his hands. "It looks like your little queer in arms has just left his cell, and I need to make my way down to the first floor to meet him. I'll just leave you here, and maybe, when I get back, you'll have changed your mind. I would really rather not have to kill you." She kisses him on the top of his head, a final power move before she leaves.

When he hears the door close, he lets the tears fall.


Percy's POV (3rd person limited)

Present time

"You see Perseus," she says, her tone never wavering, "Hades said that he'd prefer to have you delivered alive -something about documenting your death as a warning to his brothers- but he also said that if it came down to it, I'm allowed to kill you." She lunged forward with spear; Percy closed his eyes. He hears it smash into the alarm box, and the hallway goes silent. "You've been a lot of trouble, Percy, a lot. Whatever worth you had, simply from you amazing powers has been balanced out, by how horrible you actually are. You, in the span of about a month, have caused the deaths of your mother, your quest mate, a Huntress, Eros, and just a minute ago, I had to kill Luke, because he had gone mad over you. How do you feel about that, Perseus Jackson?"

He fell to his knees, broken. "You..." he stammered, "you kil... Luke's dead?"

"I'm afraid so Percy, and it's all your fault. You drove him to insane, and made him think there was a chance you could escape."

"But I didn't mean for him-" he chokes out, barely audible.

"Well it doesn't matter what you meant to do," she snaps, "he's dead now, and you'll be, soon enough."

"Please, Annabeth," he begs, sobbing, "please kill me now."

"But what's the fun in that?" She asks, the smirk appearing on her face. "If you listen closely, you can hear yo-"

She doesn't get to finish, the bronze spear emerging from her chest steals her words. The daughter of Athena collapses of the ground, mumbling incoherent noises, blood spilling out of her gaping mouth. She turns to see her attacker, knowing damn well who it is.

"As a daughter of Athena," Luke says proudly, "you probably should have known better than to leave your keys within reach of the son of the God of Thieves." He takes out a set of keys and throws them at the girl. "Next time, I wouldn't leave these in my jacket."

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