Chapter 12

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Percy POV

The stars received a new constellation that night.

The Huntresses arrived, along the goddess herself, and mourned their fallen sister, not even noticing the two boys. Luke was in hysterics during the funeral, crying into Percy's shoulder, not caring who saw.

Percy, who didn't know the girl long enough to cry, watched in awe as Artemis turned the body into stars right before his eyes. Unlike the other constellations, Zoë would never move and never fade from the sky. Neither would her sacrifice ever leave Percy's mind. He sat there, honoring the girl who, after only knowing him for a few minutes, layed down her life to protect. He held Luke, silently thanking him for being willing to do the same, but he also thanked the Fates for not making him have to.


Back to Luke

The events following the ceremony were a blur. All of a sudden he and Percy were inside a tent, the noises of the city silenced. There was a girl outside, telling them that the goddess would like to speak to them in the morning, but he was barely paying attention.

The tent was small and empty, with only a lantern and two cots. Percy pulled him to one of the cots and coaxed him to lay down, eventually he did. After covering Luke up with the blanket from the other cot, Percy carefully inserted himself between Luke's arms, trying not to push the other boy off of the small cot. He turned to face Luke, their foreheads almost touching. Luke tried to ground himself so he wouldn't break down in front of Percy again. He focused on Percy's lips, examining every detail to distract himself -he couldn't look into the eyes, they were the same color as hers, and he wasn't strong enough for that yet. He noted every piece of information, every line. He payed attention to how Percy held them slightly parted, he saw how they quivered with every shaky breath. Then he looked slightly up, and he saw the tears running down the boy's cheeks.

How could he have been so selfish, of course Percy was effected by this too. "Perce," he said, trying not to let the sound his own sadness leech in.

"No, not right now," he said meekly, shaking his head slightly, "just distract me. Please."

Luke granted the request. He reached his hand up to cradle the side of Percy's head, before leaning down to kiss the boys lips. He looked up, to see how Percy had reacted, but the boy's eyes were closed.

The tears had stopped.


I'm so sorry for all of these short chapters, but I really like updating the quest in short sequences.

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