Chapter 24

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"Perce," Luke says to the other boy, "quick, use the water while they're still on the beach."

"I can't, drawing the water through the rocks made me really weak. I need to get in the water for it to work."

It was easier said than done. Luke looked around, the only way to the beach was through the monsters. All the other paths were too rocky, the monsters would be on them before they reached the shore. The mob was less than a hundred yards away, he could almost smell the minotaur.

Luke drew his sword. "Percy, I'll hold them off while you climb over those rocks."

"I'll never make it in time. Luke, they'll kill you."

"No they won't, I'll be fine. Now go!"

Percy ran to the left while Luke charged straight ahead. The older boy wished he had kept his body armor.

"Come on, you fuckers," he shouted, drawing their attention away from Percy, "if you wanna fight, I'm right here." He turned his head to find Percy, the boy had just cleared the top of the pile, all Luke needed to do was hold off the horde for about a minute. Of course, the Minotaur was the first one up. It came charging, but Luke dodged the attack and stabbed it in the back, disintegrating the beast. He looked up and saw a speck coming up over the horizon.

"Very impressive Mr. Castellan," one of the Furies hisses, "but do you really believe that you are capable of defending yourself from all of us at the same time?"

The speck drew nearer, it was a plane, and Luke saw a glint coming from it's side. "Of course I don't," he says, smiling, "but who ever said I'd be doing it by myself?"

The three monsters unfurled their wings, preparing to lunge, but before they could even leave the ground, they were hit by three silver arrows. The plane came in low. Luke saw that the pilot was, surprisingly, Mr. Mcmane. When the plane was close enough to the ground, the door flew open and three huntresses jumped out. Randy pulled up and began circling the island.

"Nice to see you here," he said to Kelsey.

"Well, we might have been kicked out of the hunt for this, but we felt like we owed it to Zoë."

"You guys ready to kick some ass?"

As it turns out, the question didn't need answering, because at that moment, a giant, 50-foot wave came roaring up the beach.

"Run!" He shouted to the girls as he turned and sprinted to the building. They didn't need to be told twice. They were almost there, when the youngest of the girls tripped. The other girl whose name Luke didn't know, turned back to help.

"You can't," he shouted at her over the roar of the water, "you'll die."

"I don't care," she shouted back, and ran to the girl.

Luke and Kelsey reached the building, turning just in time to she the girls swept up.

"No!" Kelsey sobs. He pushes her through the door and pulls it shut.

"We can't just leave them out there," she says in between sobs.

"Kelsey, they're gone, and if we opened those doors, we'd be dead too."

There was a knock on the glass door. They turned and saw Percy holding the water back, and the two girls were in front of him, not even wet.


I'm so sorry for the quality of this chapter, I suck at action sequences. I'll try to make up for it with a decent slower chapter next.

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