Chapter 23

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Luke stood there, trying not to think about what he had just done. He didn't go in with the intent to kill her, he just wanted to capture her so that she could stand trial for her crimes. But she was about to kill Percy, and every other thought left his mind, he wasn't going to let Percy die. Luke wasn't satisfied with the outcome, but he didn't regret doing what he had to do; Percy was safe, at least for now.

"Luke," Percy shouted, running towards the other boy, sobbing. Luke pulled Percy into a tight hug "She....she said you were dead. Luke, I couldn't stand the thought of being without you."

"Perce, it's ok," he said, kissing the top of the boy's head and rubbing his back, "I'm here now, and I promise, I'm never going to leave you again."

"I love you so fucking much, Luke," Percy says, looking up with his usual smirk breaking on his face, "but if you ever leave me locked in a cage again, I will feed you to a gorgon."

Luke smiled back at him, "I promise. I love you too, Percy." He leaned down and kissed the boy. They pulled apart, their foreheads pressed together. "Now, Perce, I don't want to worry you, but the messengers of Hades are on their way, so we really do need to leave."

"But what about Eros, and our plane?"

"Don't worry about Eros, he'll reform in a few days, and Annabeth has a boat that we can take to Quebec. Now come on, let's get out of here."

They run down the hall toward the double doors at the end. Luke pulls Percy into a brief kiss before throwing one of the doors open. Luke would have said the view was great -a rocky beach, leading to the water, with the sun setting on the horizon- of course, the dozen or so monsters marching to the building kind of ruined it. At the head of the pack, were the Furies, followed closely by the minotaur. They clearly learned their lesson from Toronto, there was no way the boys could fight all of them off. They boys drew their swords.

"Perseus Jackson, Luke Castellan," the Furies spoke in unison, "you have evaded capture for long enough, it is time for the both of you to die."

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