Chapter 3

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When I arrived back at the Captain's Daughter, it was dark and time to prepare for the night crowd to come in 30 minutes. I saw Martha waiting for me. by the bar washing the cups. "Roxane!" She yelled when she saw me. I waved "You took longer than usual. I was worried," she said, embracing me. "Well, I'm fine. I just had a little delay on the way home. She smirked. "Talk. Don't leave anything out," she said, crossing her arms and trying to be intimidating. I smiled at her attempt to scare me. "Fine, but it's a bit confusing," I said, taking a seat on a stool facing the bar. She leaned on the counter. "We have 26 minutes" she glanced at the clock. I told her everything starting from when Jack walked through the door.

"Wow," she gasped once I had finished. I nodded "yeah," I agreed. "So you're leaving tonight?" She asked. I could hear the sadness in her voice. I nodded. I suddenly had an idea. "Do you want to come? I'm sure Jack would agree." I said excitedly. "Well... I don't know if I should," she said, glancing around. "Come on, Martha, please! Nothing is holding you back," I said. "You forgot one important detail," she said. I looked at her, confused. "What is it?" I asked. "My dad," She said, referring to the drunk excuse of a man she called her father. She had taken care of him for years after her mother died. She had been abused physically and verbally. Once, he actually tried to sell her to one of the men that he got drunk with. Thankfully I was able to "convince" the man not to agree.

"What about him?! He tried to sell you! This is your chance to escape forever. You don't have to deal with him coming home and hitting you." I said, my voice dropping to a whisper. "You deserve so much better," I said, giving her a hug as she started to sob. "H-how did I ever get so l-lucky?" She choked out, returning the hug. "Will you come?" I asked once she had calmed down. She nodded, not yet being able to speak. I smiled. "Good, now it's time to get ready. We have 6 minutes till the doors open. and by then, I want to see your beautiful smile, ok?" I asked as I stood up. She nodded, wiping her eyes. "Thank you, Roxane. I don't know want I would do without you," I laughed "life wouldn't be as fun, that's for sure." I said and heard her laugh as I went to find a way to move the beer outside by the morning.

"Thanks for the help, Martha. I don't know how I would have finished this early without your help." I said, putting down the last box. "No problem," she grunted as she sat down. "I still can't believe that nobody noticed." She nodded "Yeah, It's crazy." "Who's been talking about our captain?" I turned to see 4 men walking towards us. 3 of them I recognized from the bar. The one who had spoken had a grey beard with sideburns. He had grey hair and a potbelly. "I've seen you, but I haven't met you properly," I said, stretching out my hand. "Roxane Hawkbill at your service." I stated, "I go by Gibbs I'm the first mate," He said, reaching out and shaking my hand. "This is my best friend Martha, and she is coming with us," I said, gesturing to her. They nodded at each other. "I suppose this is the rum we were sent to retrieve" He glanced at the boxes. I nodded. "In that case... Get to work, men!" He said not so quietly.

In seconds all the men had picked up 3 boxes each. There were 3 left (The boxes had 15 bottles of rum each). Gibbs looked at me. I shook my head. "I already carried them outside. I'm not carrying anymore." He turns to look at Martha. "And neither is she" I stepped it. Gibbs smiled "You got spunk. You refused to be bossed around" he nodded in approval "That's good. It will definitely help you out at sea" He smiled again. He picked up the 3 boxes. "Let's go, men" He nodded at us, "and ladies." Martha and I picked up our bags, and we followed after the men.

We walked for about 10 minutes to the dock. We walked to the ramp at the entrance of a ship I thought couldn't possibly be Jack's. "Whoa," I and Martha's eyes widened as we spotted the ship. "The Black Pearl! Jack owns the black pearl! He failed to mention that." I crossed my arms. "You never asked" I jumped at the new voice. "She's a beauty, isn't she." He said, walking down the ramp and towards me. I nodded "That she is. How did you come to claim her?" I asked. "I have my ways," He said, looking at me nervously. I rolled my eyes. "Who is this?" He said, walking towards Martha. I expected her to shrink, but she surprised me. "My name is Martha Smith," she said, standing straighter. I smiled proudly. "And what is she doing here?" He asked, turning to me. "She has a name, and Martha will be coming with me." "And what makes you think that?" He asked, stepping closer. I stared up at him. He was about a foot taller than me. "Because if she doesn't go, then neither do I," I said sternly, our gaze never breaking. He seemed to hesitate for a second. "Well then, I suppose you won't be coming," he said, turning his head and walking towards the rum.

I narrowed my eyes "Then I suppose we will be informing the officials that you have stolen rum," I said, turning. "Wait," I smirked and turned towards him "yes?" I asked. He sighed. "You may come..... but not because you threatened to tell the officials. But because you brought the rum. Not that I usually care about that kind of thing." He said, trying to play it cool. I smiled and linked my arms with Martha. "Whatever you say, captain," I said as Martha and I walked up the ramp.

I heard him following behind me. "Now in the matter of living quarters," I said, turning towards him. "Ah yes!" He said and started to walk, motioning for us to follow him. I let go of Martha and started walking with her following. He stopped suddenly, causing me to bump into him. Martha stopped before she could bump into me. "Here we are," He said, pointing to the room full of hammocks where the crew slept. I gulped "I'm sorry, I'm not trying to be picky but putting us with the crew is a bad decision." He turned to look at me. "You see, when men are alone with women, and there is no authority figure....." I trailed off. His eyes widened. "Oh" Then he turned and started walking off again.

We followed him farther down the hall. He stopped at the door. I was prepared and stopped before bumping into him. He motioned for me to open the door. I stepped forward and turned the handle. "Oh Jack," I gasped "It's beautiful." "I thought you might enjoy it," He said awkwardly. "Oh, I do. This is the nicest room I ever had" I turned to Martha. "Isn't it beautiful?" She nodded speechlessly. I motioned for her to enter the room. She stepped into the room and gasped. "It's even more beautiful from the inside," She said, walking in all the way.

I followed her "you're right! Thank you, Jack." I said, turning towards him. He smiled, "my pleasure, love," And then turned and walked off.  

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