Chapter 12

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It was finally time for dinner and we had started to get ready. We brushed our hair out since it was a rats nest after sleeping and being too lazy to braid it before we fell asleep. Martha took a little more care getting ready since she has someone she planned to impress. I on the other hand could care less about impressing someone since I was in a rush to get down there to eat. "Martha come onnn, I haven't eaten since lunch and I feel like I'm dying." I said pouting at her in an attempt to get her to hurry it along.

She looked at me out of the corner of her eye "not all of us have natural beauty. Some of us have to work hard to be pretty." She said finally finishing up. "Well it's a good thing that both of us are naturally beautiful, now come on I'm hungry." I said grabbing her by the hand and rushing to the dining area. Once we arrived we realized there were only 3 seats left. Thankfully two were next to each other. One was next to Jack and the other was next to Jacob.

Me and Martha headed over to the available seats Martha smiled at Jacob as she sat down. I was about to sit down when I spotted Jack smirking. "Do you have something you want to say?" I asked raising my eyebrow. He shook his head "not really love, only that it seems like you can't get enough of me" I frowned at him and pushed the seat back in and started walking to the 3rd untaken seat which was thankfully next to Jonathan and across from Martha. Jack glared at Jonathan who was sitting next to him. Jonathan turned to look at me and I smiled "this seat definitely provides me with better company" I reached across the table and Martha took my hand while giggling. Before Jack could say anything Gibs walked in and took the last seat available.

Everyone started filling their plates with food and talking loudly. Jonathan and Jacob constantly made sure me and Martha were satisfied before beginning to fill their own plates. We kept looking at each other in shock. We hadn't been treated like this in years and almost forgot that guys like this truly existed. Around us the crew started discussing the weather and debated on whether it would storm tonight or not.

"So Jonathan, do you have any siblings?" Martha asked trying to make polite conversation. "Um, actually I have one older brother. He's only one year older, but apparently he thinks he's as mature as our father." He chuckled and we laughed with him. "I know someone else like that" Martha said giving me a pointed look. "Oh really? I never would have thought" Jacob said with a hint of sarcasm. I rolled my eyes playfully. "It's not my fault I was blessed with maturity beyond my years." I flipped my hair to and did my best to look wise. While all of us were laughing I caught a glimpse of Jack's face. He had a slight look of annoyance but looked like he was trying to hide it.

I felt a little guilty for avoiding him recently and decided to include him. "What about you Jack? Do you have an siblings?" He looked at me with a surprised expression before responding. "I don't have any siblings, maybe if I had I wouldn't have been so "loved" by my grandmother." I sad look filled his eyes but once he blinked it was gone. "I'm sorry Jack, I wish you had siblings growing up, but you have a family now" I said motioning to the crew at the table. He gave a sad smile "that's the truth love." Our eyes locked for longer than they normally do. In those moments I saw a range of emotions show through. "So Roxane, how many siblings do you have?" Jonathan asked interrupting my thought. "I have 3 siblings, but I am the oldest so that explains the maturity and bossiness" we all laughed.

After about an hour of eating and conversation the food was put away and the rum was brought out. "You still ready to be defeated Jack? You can back out now so as not to hurt your fragile ego" I smirked. He returned the smirk "the only thing fragile here is your stomach after trying to best me." He waved his hand and some rum was brought to us. "Make sure I don't run out. I do not react well when I run out of rum." I stated picking up the mug.

Almost in sync Jack and I raised the glasses to our lips and chugged. We matched each other gulp for gulp. It wasn't till half the barrel was gone that we begun to slow down. I barely heard Jack's slurred speech as he tried to insult me for how much I was swaying. I reached out for the next round and began drinking. Jack's eyes widened as he saw me chug it down like it was no trouble at all. "Love, if I didn't know any better I would say that you were made to be my match" he stated as if it was nothing at all. I felt my face heat up as images ran through my mind. "It's a good thing you know better then" I said getting up and walking out. I was somehow able to walk out without stumbling but when I got to the stairs I hesitated.

I felt a hand on the small of my back and when I turned around all I could see was the piercing eyes of Jack. His eyes flickered to my lips and for a second his eyes went completely sober. I took a deep breath before opening the door and taking the steps one by one. I could hear Jack muttering and softly singing behind me. When we finally got to my door I hesitated. There was something I wanted to do but knew I might regret it in the morning. I then remembered that I was so drunk I probably would not even remember.

I turned around and planted a kiss on Jack's lips. There was a millisecond of hesitation before he began to kiss me back. After a few seconds I pulled away. His eyes told me he did not yet want to be finished. "We should do this again sometime" I said before walking into my room and closing the door.

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