Chapter 5

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"Jack!" I yelled loudly to try and be heard over the storm. I tried to walk across the rocking ship and almost fell in the process. "Martha! Where are you?" I called, walking in the direction I had last seen my friend. "Roxane! I'm over here," I heard her yell a few feet away from me. I headed in the direction of her voice. I hadn't even walked 5 steps when. "Oof," I said as I fell backward and someone fell on top of me. "I found you," I said as Martha chuckled from on top of me. I gave her a push to help her get up. She sat down beside me, and I stood up. I held out my hand, and she grabbed it.

"Well, it's a good thing my hair didn't get wet," I called, flipping my wet hair over my shoulder. We were dripping wet due to all the water on the floor and the rain pouring. The crew was running past us frantically, trying to get to their posts and control the ship. "We need to head below deck, so we don't get in the way. There is nothing for us to do now anyway." I yelled, dragging her behind me. I squinted, trying to see the stairs through the rain. "It's pouring out here," Martha yelled. "I can hardly hear myself talk," she continued. I nodded in agreement. "Let's hurry so that we can change," I called back.

In a matter of minutes, we had finally reached the door to the stairs. I tried to pull it open, but I couldn't due to the strong wind that keeps blowing it shut. "Help me open the door!" I shouted. It took the two of us pulling with all of our strength to finally get the door wide enough to pass through. Martha went in first with me, leaning on the door to keep it open. The moment I entered, the door slammed shut behind me. We walked to our room and immediately got out of our wet clothes and changed into new dry ones. I flopped on the bed. "I think I'm going to be sick," Martha groaned, holding her stomach and sitting down next to me on the bed. The ship was jerking violently, and we had to hold on to the covers to keep from falling off. "Well, at least it's dry. I said, wringing out my hair in a little bucket I had grabbed before sitting on the bed. She laughed and followed my lead, moving to the side of the bed I was on. Finally, I had fixed my hair so that it wasn't dripping wet. "I'm going to try to take a nap," I told Martha laying down in the bed. "It's better than just sitting here and rocking back and forth," Martha said, laying down next to me. I drifted off to sleep to the sound of the rain hitting the deck.

I woke up to the sound of someone banging on the door. "Is anyone in there? If you are, answer me!" I recognized the familiar voice of Jack yelling through the door. "We're here," I called. "Who is it?" Martha asked, sitting up. "It's Jack," I said as I got up and opened the door. Jack was standing there soaked to the bone and his clothes dripping water all over the floor. "I see the storm has stopped," I said, feeling how the ship wasn't jerking back and forth anymore. Jack said nothing. "Is there something wrong?" I asked, confused at his silence. His face changed from worry to anger. "Follow me," He said, turning to leave. My eyes widened, and I motioned for Martha to follow Jack. We both walked side by side in silence, trying to keep up with Jack. He leads us up the stairs and out onto the deck.

"Jack, what is this about?" I asked, getting annoyed. When the crew heard my voice, they turned to stare. Some had faced with relief and others with surprise. Cotton ran up to me and hugged me. "What's going on?" I asked. Looking at Jack. "Ever since the storm ended, the whole crew has been looking for the 2 of you. No one saw your head down, and we were starting to think that in all of the confusion that you and your friend here had fallen overboard." Mr. Gibbs informed Martha and me. "Oh...." I said, looking down. "We're sorry. We didn't mean to cause so much trouble and make the crew worry," Martha said, telling everyone what we were both thinking. Cotton patted me on the shoulder and smiled at me. Jack was still silent. I looked at Jack again. "Is he ignoring me?" I asked Gibbs. Gibbs shrugged. I sighed. I'm never going to live this down, I thought as I walked up to Jack and looked him in the eyes.

"I'm sorry for making you and the crew worried..... That wasn't my plan. I wanted to get out of the way, and I thought going to my and Martha's room would be the best way to do that. Will you forgive me?" I asked. I heard a gasp and turned. I saw Martha and Matthew with their jaws touching the ground. I gave them a look and rolled my eyes, then I turned back to Jack. He had a smirk on his face. "Are you going to forgive me or not?" I asked, really annoyed. He chuckled, "you're forgiven, love." He then made a smug face, "but next time, tell someone where you are going." I felt my face getting red. "Excuse me! I'm not a child. I can take care of myself. Thank you for worrying and wanting me to be safe. But I've made it this far. I think I can survive a pirate ship." I crossed my arms and scowled at him. "That's my girl!" I heard Martha say. I bit my lip to keep from smiling. Jack glanced at Gibbs, and Gibbs shrugged. Jack looked back at me. "I never understood women, always so moody." I gave him a death glare. "Fine. Have your way, but when there is a storm, head straight down to your room." I nodded. "Ok. Now, if you excuse me, I'm going to finish my nap" I headed to the door and heard Martha following behind me.

We got to the room, and Martha pulled me down onto the bed. "You never did tell me how you met Cotton." She said, leaning forward. "It's a long story," I said. "We have time," she replied. I laughed "ok. I'll tell you everything."

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