You/Mine - Faults

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(Akame Ga Kill) 

You knew that despite Mine and Tatsumi's fights, she cared for her. So much that she was willing to risk her life in order to stop his execution in the middle of the capitol 

"Mine, you can't seriously go through with this. You could get killed."

"I don't care, (y/n). Tatsumi is an important part of the team. He's always been there for us. I have to be there for him."

She started walking away but you stopped her by taking her hand. 

"Please listen to me. We've already lost half of the team. I can't lose someone else. I especially can't lose you, Mine."

Mine knew about your feelings. She had known for the longest time and while she felt the same for you, your relationship would come to a tragic end that it wasn't worth pursuing. The two of you were assassins. With such a dangerous job, at any moment's notice, one of you could be killed. There was no reason to break the heart of the other even further. If the two of you somehow made it to the end of the war without dying, she would consider revealing her feelings for you but until then, they must remain hidden. 

"What makes me more special than Tatsumi? I can't just sit here and do nothing while he's publicly executed. I just can't. The deaths of our fallen comrades couldn't be stopped but I can certainly stop this one."

You could see how determined she was about saving Tatsumi. It didn't matter what you said, she was going to save him. 

"Because I love you, Mine. Please, don't go. I...I can't lose you."

You gripped her skirt as you fell to your knees with tears already falling. You had never planned on telling her how you felt but it was necessary if it meant that she would stay behind. Mine didn't move to comfort you, simply just looked down at you as you continued to sob and cry.

"I'm sorry but Tatsumi needs me."

Mine gently removes your hands off of her and heads out. Leaving you alone in the middle of the cellar as what remained of Night Raid went to save Tatsumi. 


Soon after they left, you realized that you couldn't just sit back and wait until they returned. The least you could do is go with them and keep Mine safe. Moving as quick as you could, you reached the arena just as Night Raid revealed themselves. 

"What the hell are you doing here! You were supposed to stay in the cellar."

You give her a cheeky grin, finding it amusing that she was annoyed for your sudden appearance. Last you thing you could remember, she had left you alone in tears. 

"I didn't think you cared about me, Mine."

"That's no the point! Get out of here. You're not supposed to be here."

"You need me. I'm not going anywhere."

Mine has no time to argue with you as the two of you are attacked. While Mine attacks Budo, you keep her safe from the others. As time goes on, you could hear her getting exhausted from the energy she was using. You knew she was close to reaching her breaking point and that meant that her imperial arm would use its full strength for the blast. As Budo and Mine pointed their weapons at each other to deal the finishing blow, you were able to see what was about to happen. The two of them would fire at the same time using all their strength that would end up resulting in the death of the two. If you didn't do anything, Mine was going to die. Without thinking twice about it, you ran up to Mine to grab her weapon and push her out of the way. The force you used to push her back was enough to knock her out as she hit the wall. 


Mine wakes up, gasping for air as it felt like she was suffocating. A nightmare had woken her up. One where it showed you sacrificing her life to save her. She takes a couple of deep breaths to calm her racing heart. When she's calm enough, Mine looks up to find what was left of Night Raid. All of them looked like they hadn't slept since the previous night. They looked exhausted and upset. 

"What's wrong with all of you? You looked like someone just died. Where's (y/n) anyways?"

The four of them looked at each other, trying to figure out what to say and who would tell her what had happened. 

"Mine, don't you remember what happened?"

Akame finally asks her. Considering that she was the second in command, she needed to be the one to tell her. 

"No. My head is killing me. I think that I might've gotten a concussion or something."

"The concussion must've made you forget your most recent memories."

"How did I even get a concussion? I'm always careful. I bet it was (y/n)'s fault. She was with me. It's no wonder why she's not here. She's probably scared that I'm going to yell at her for giving me a concussion. Go get her. Tell her that I'm promising to not yell at her for what happened. That's a lie of course, I do plan on yelling at her. She did give me a concussion after all!"

"I'm sorry Mine but (y/n) is gone."

Mine laughs, not fully realizing what Akame was trying to tell her. 

"Then go get her. I bet she's hiding in that diner that she seems to love so much. Bring me some soup too. I'll consider forgiving her if she brings it while its still hot."

"Mine! (y/n) is gone. She's dead! She gave up her life to save you. Just before you fired your weapon, she stole your gone and pushed you out of the way to keep you out of the blast."

Akame's words wash over her like cold water.  There was no way you were dead. What happened was just a nightmare. There was no possible way that her nightmare had been real. 

"No. She's not dead. That happened in my nightmare and for some reason, you were able to see it. Now where is (y/n)?

Akame knew that Mine was going to keep denying it until she saw proof. Pulling out your imperial weapon that you always had with you, Akame handed it to Mine. 

"We buried her next to Sheele."

Mine rips out your necklace from her hands. Her eyes start to water as she stares at it. 

"Get out."

"Mine, you just..."

"Get out! All of you! I need to be alone!"

They all hurry up and leave, knowing that it was better to leave her alone and deal with her emotions. Mine hated when others saw her being vulnerable. The only people that ever got to see her like that was you. 

"I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. I should've have listened to you."

Mine kept repeating over and over again as she held on to your necklace in her hands. None of this would've happened if she had just listened to you. 


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