You/Irina Jelavic - Check

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(Assasination Classroom)


The class all watched in horror as Irina gave them a sweet smile

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The class all watched in horror as Irina gave them a sweet smile. They knew they had fucked up after yet another attempt to get her with Karasuma so they expected her to be furious. Her seemingly being happy didn't make sense.

"Uh, Professor Bitch? Are you alright?"

"I'm quite alright class. I just need to make a phone call."

They all start to get nervous when she pulls out her phone and tells someone to come over as soon as possible. Perhaps they might've taken things a little too far with their latest stunt.

"Professor Bitch, we're......"

"That's enough class. We still have a few minutes left of class so open up your books to page 148 and we'll go over a couple of more things."


Aware of Irina's line of work, you always presumed that any call that you received from her was of her asking for help. Irina would usually calm you down right away by letting you know exactly what she was calling you for but all she told you was to make your way up to the classroom she was teaching. Afraid that something must've happened to her or the kids, you grabbed your emergency medical kit and sped to the mountain.


As you arrive, you follow her voice to her class.

"Irina!" You rush over to her, making sure that she had no blood or bruises. When you see that she's fine, you let out a sigh of relief. "I'm glad that you're okay. What's going on? Why did you call me? Do the kids need medical assistance?"

"No. They're fine. Remember how I told you that these brats thought I had a crush on Karasuma?"

"Yeah....what about it?"

"Well it seems that they can't listen and tried to set me up again with him. I brought you here so they can finally see that I'm happily married to you. Karasuma is just a colleague of mine." She takes your left hand and shows it up to the class. "Is this proof enough for you? I don't need you or the octopus to set me up with Karasuma. I love my wife very much and I would appreciate it if you would stop your elaborate plans to get me a date and focus on killing the octopus."

"Wait just a minute? What about your ring? Why is she the only one wearing it? Is this your way of trying to fool us to make it seem like you're married because we're not buying it."

"I TOLD YOU BRATS THAT I'M HAPPILY MARRIED. I DON'T NEED YOU TO HOOK ME UP WITH THAT IDIOT. IF YOU WANT PROOF, I'LL SHOW YOU PROOF." She pulls out her necklace to show the ring that was hanging off of it. She never wore it on her hand because she didn't want anyone to track you down and put you in danger. "IF ONE OF YOU SO MUCH AS TALK ABOUT THIS TO ANYONE, KILLING THE OCTOPUS WILL BE THE LEAST OF YOUR WORRIES. GOT IT?!"

"Woah, professor Bitch. You don't have to be so angry. We're happy to see that someone can tolerate you. We'll stop."

Irina was about to start yelling at Karma but stopped herself when she realized how uncomfortable you looked. It soon made her realize that you had never seen this side of her.

"This is how we get along, I promise. They annoy me and I annoy them."

You gave her a smile as you nodded.

"Right. I should go now. I left in a hurry without warning any of my nurses. I'll see you at home."

You give her a quick kiss on the cheek and head out so she could continue teaching.

"Gotta say, we did not see this coming."

Nagisa mumbles to himself.

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