You/Kyoko Kirigiri - Private

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Requested by: Anon

Kyoko simply stared at you as you walked in the cafeteria still in your pajamas. She couldn't understand how you were acting indifferent with everything that was going on. You were supposed to be the Ultimate Private Investigator and yet you didn't act like one. While everyone struggled to solve the murders, you remained locked in your room until it was time for the trial. 

"Did someone piss in your cereal?"

You ask her when you see her staring at you.


She asks, not catching what you had said. 

"You're acting weirder than usual. What's up with you?"

Kyoko grabs her plate and makes her way to throw away her plate. 

"Our classmates are panicking and killing each other. You're treating this like a vacation. As the ultimate pri...."

"As the ultimate private investigator, I should what? Make myself an enemy and paint a giant target on my back. There's no point for me to investigate anything. The bear is simply toying with us. It's pointless to even try."

She just shakes her head and heads out of the cafeteria. 


Another trial and you drag yourself to court. You hoped it would be over quick but apparently solving two murders was far too difficult for them to figure out. Like always, you keep quiet and watch them argue amongst each other until they start pointing their fingers at you. 

"You really think I would be capable of killing two people? I don't do anything but stay in my room. You can't seriously let Celeste fool all of you."

You groan loudly as they all begin to shout, attempting to pin the murders on you. 

"If you're innocent as you say then prove your innocence."

Kyoko tells you, making everyone else shut up. 

"I'm glad to see that we all haven't turned to savages."

You go on to explain your innocence and reveal key pieces that they had missed to reveal the fact that Celeste had been behind the murders. She attempted to claim innocence but no once believed her with the evidence you had shown. A vote is called and they all vote her guilty. 


"I would like to apologize for not providing assistance. I knew you were innocent since the beginning."

"Don't apologize. I know you just wanted to test my skills. I've seen you poke around the school. You're trying to figure out who was behind all this and I was one of your suspects."

"I...." Kyoko was surprised that you had figured out what she was doing. She hated that you had caught her off guard. She hadn't told anyone about her investigation into the school. "Well now that you've proven yourself, you're off of it. I would like to request you assistance to help figure out who is behind all this."

You sigh loudly, hating the idea of having to work. 

"For you, I'll help you figure this out."


The two of you learned to trust each other, making it easier to piece all the clues of what had happened. It had taken you a while even with your help but eventually the two of you figured out who had been behind everything. 

When the gates of the school opened and the survivors stepped out, you remained inside. Kyoko was the only to notice as everyone else was focused on the mess that Junko had caused in the years that you had all been trapped. 

"Are you not coming?"

"Is there a point to even going out there? You heard Junko, the world is in chaos. The school is the only safe haven that we have."

"I know that there are others. They could use your help."

"They'll have you. We have similar talents. I'll just be in the way."

While the two of you are arguing about you leaving the school, a helicopter shows up. It calls you by your names but the two of you ignore it. 

"I know that you know, (y/n). Don't make me say it."

You smirk at her annoyed expression. 

"We've been spending every day of the past few weeks together, you should know me by now."

"I don't even know what I see in you. You're still just as annoying since I met you."

You give her a smile as you take her hand and lead her to the helicopter. 

"You have a soft spot for me, admit it."

"Don't be ridiculous. I don't have soft spots for anyone."

"Then why are you letting me hold your hand?" She's quick to release your hand and rushes ahead of you to the helicopter, muttering about how she had made a mistake.  "You totally don't have a soft spot for anyone, right?"

Kyoko doesn't answer, simply just turns around to hide the smile. 


All characters are 18+

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Names that have ?? do not have a prompt so feel free to send me one of yours.

Shinoa Hiragi - Miss

Shinobu K.... - Forget

Shinobu K... - Apology


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