You/Mereoleona Vermillion - Rejection

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(Black Clover)

AN: Have not read the manga or seen the anime so they might be OOC

AN: Have not read the manga or seen the anime so they might be OOC

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It was odd to not feel upset as Fuegoleon rejected you. You thought that you had been in love with him but when he turned you down, you felt nothing. Maybe you had confused your feelings for him as you've never been close friends with a guy before.

"I'm sorry, (y/n). But I just don't feel that way about you. I think it's better if we just stay friends."

"Yeah, you're right. Lets just finish this training so we can go to a tavern and forget all this."

He laughs and nods.

"That sounds like a good idea. Get ready for me to beat your ass."

"In your dreams!"


Fuegoleon just nodded along to what you were mumbling on about. While he was sober, you had gotten drunk. He had attempted to get you to slow down on your drinks but you brushed him off, telling him that you just needed to forget about what had happened earlier. He still felt bad about turning you down so he decided to stay sober and keep an eye on you as you got drunk.

"and honestly, I just don't think I even had feelings for you. I think I was confusing them because I love you and I care about you...." You stop talking to take another big sip. "but because you're my best friend.'re right. We're way better off as friends." You take another sip, fishing your drink and then ordering another one. "But you know what? I think your sister is pretty hot..."

"Alright. I think you've had enough."

He grabs the drink from the bartender and hands it to someone else while you attempt to take it back. He pays the tab and drags you back home.

"Come onnnn. I wasn't done drinking. Lets go back."

"No, (y/n). You've had too much too drink."

You pout as you fall limp in his arms. Rolling his eyes, he picks you up and continues walking home.

"I love and care about you too, (y/n). I don't want for you to wake up sick."

"You cut me off because I called your sister hot?"

"That's not it! I'm just worried that you...."

"You're worried that we could possibly date?"

"What? No! I don't care about that. In fact, I think you and my sister would make a good couple...."

"So it's settled! I'll ask her out. Maybe I confused my feelings and I actually have feelings for her."

"Sure, (y/n). Whatever helps you sleep at night."


You wake up, remembering everything that you had said last night. As you remember the exact words you told Fuegoleon about his sister, you couldn't help but smile at the thought of her. You had always believed your drunk self knew more about you as your thoughts weren't repressed so maybe it was onto something.

"I'm sorry about last night. I didn't mean to get that drunk."

"It's fine. You needed the drink and I think you might even learned something about yourself."

He tells you, hinting to how you truly felt about his sister.

"You're not going to fight me about it?"

"Why would I? You're my best friend and I know you won't hurt my sister. If you want to ask her out then ask her out."

"Oh....I should wait a couple days. I just learned that I actually had feelings for her."

He nods and motions for the chair in front of him.

"I'm only doing this once in our lifetime so take advantage of it. What do you like about my sister?"


With his help, you ended up learning that all that time that you had thought that you liked Fuegoleon, it turns out that you had feelings for his sister. You both believed it had something to do with the fact that it still wasn't common to like someone of the same gender so you projected your feelings onto him because it was the normal thing to do.

"So what are you going to do now? Are you going to ask her out?"

"Should I? What if it's better if we're just friends?"

"Don't be ridiculous. Everything is better when you're in love so quit being a coward and ask her out."

He pushes you inside the dining room, knowing that she would be alone. You try to escape but he holds on to the door handles to stop you.

"Is everything okay, (y/n)?"

You turn to face her, giving her a shy smile.

"Everything is fine! It's just uh...." You let go of the door and make your way over to sit besides you. She looks at your curiously, wondering what was going on with you. You were acting strange. "I like you! and I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date with me."

She can't help but smirk as she hears your question.

"It's about time."


She leans closer to you, kissing your cheek.

"You're honestly too adorable. I was waiting for you to come to terms about your feelings for me."

"Wait, what? You knew how I felt about you? But how? Not even I knew!"

She brings her hand up to caress your cheek with her thumb.

"It's the little things that I noticed and I would love to go on a date with you."


Outside, Fuegoleon smiles as he hears his sister accept. He was happy for the two of you.


All characters are 18+

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Names that have ?? do not have a prompt so feel free to send me one of yours.

Maho N.... - Loss

Tamayo - Unity

Suzue Kambe - Hiding


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