It Was Always You

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Hi everyone! Thank you for choosing to read my first completed book ever, It Was Always You. I am thrilled to have you all join me on this journey. It Was Always You means a lot to me and I hope you all enjoy reading it! If you're interested in plot twists, beautiful weddings, satirical comedy, best friends love, and rom-com clichès, then you are going to fall in love with this book like I have!

P.S. I know everyone is completely bored out of their mind (including me). Especially since we are living in a whole pandemic. So, I hope my book will bring some joy and light into your lives. We are in a dark place in time; The world is basically ending. Maybe my story can be a light in the tunnel (so clichè right...I couldn't think of anything deep).


When working girl Daniela Cruz is finally finished with 10 page-papers, finals, and all nighters, she decides to visit New York during her winter break. Daniela is excited to spend time with her former college friend, Heather Bradley.  She excepts to play in the snow in Central Park or go ice skating at the Rockefeller Center.

What Daniela doesn't except is Heather getting married to her childhood best friend (and secret love), Matt Wright. She makes it her mission to derail the wedding and make him her own before Matt and Heather ties the knot.

                 COPYRIGHT NOTICE:

All rights reserved by goldenlinings7, or any name this author chooses to go by. No part of this book may be produced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including and not limited to; electrical, manual (such as photocopying), recording, or stored in any form or by any means in part or whole, without expressed in content by the identified author. Any infringement of copyrighted material is punishable by law.


This story contains explicit and detailed sex scenes, suggestive language, dark themes, and other mature content. So please beware of what you are getting into by reading this story. Some of the darker moments juxtaposes with light-hearted and funny scenes in this rom-com styled book. I thought it would make my story more interesting and cool.


I've chosen these actors to play my characters in It Was Always You. These character boards serve a purpose as inspiration for me. You don't have to imagine my characters as these exact actors. You can always choose your own actors.

               Diane Guerrero as DANIELA CRUZ
The Clumsy Heroine
"I know you she loves you now but
                              I've loved you first."


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