1st Place Winner for Romance

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When I had decided to enter The Naughty List Awards by LazyContests , I just did in so for the sake of having fun. I never thought It Was Always You would win. I never thought my story could be considered a winner. So many people entered their great stories in the contest as well. I didn't think I had a chance at winning. Let alone to win first place in the contest. But, I did. I became the first place winner for Romance at The Naughty List Awards. I want to thank everyone for reading my story. I want to thank LazyContests  for choosing my story to be first place. I am just so grateful to be recognized in the Wattpad community for my writing. It feels great to finally be seen!

Thank you again!

P.S. I am back to writing It Was Always You after a hiatus and I will be updating the story soon (maybe this week!). :)

It Was Always You (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now