Chapter 02

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Chapter Two

Dog Days Are Over
By Florence + The Machine

Happiness hit her, like a train on a track
Coming towards her, stuck still no turning back

A/N: This is more like a song for Heather than Daniela. And you'll see why if you keep reading on! Also I couldn't find a song for this chapter. So I went with this song :)

"WHY IS it so freaking snowy?" I inquired, my teeth begin to chatter. I wrap my arms around my trembling body and rub my palms against my navy blue cardigan sweater. I was completely dressed in winter attire from head to toe with my boots and knit hat. But, I still wasn't prepared for the freezing New York weather this evening. I regret not layering and covering up all of my exposed areas.

People walk past me dressed in scarves, turtlenecks, and sneaker boots. But, they trudged through the sluggish snow on the streets unbothered. I could tell they were familiar with this type of frozen forecast. I didn't understand how they didn't seem concern at all.

"Daniela." Heather begins, "During December, we get a lot of snowfall. When I first moved here, I complained a lot about the snow. Now, I'm just used to freezing my tits off."

I took a step onto the narrow sidewalk and slipped my hands into my denim jean pockets. The icy wind whips through the oak trees, creaking like an old door hinge. I shudder at the touch of the wind's frosty wrath and lick my dry, chapped lips. You'd think I would be accustomed to snow since I'm from North Carolina. But, I reside in a small part of NC where snow has never been seen, heard, or thought of.

I snatch my hand out of my pocket and press it to my tanned cheek. They feel rubbed hard to its most rawest form possible. I could feel my ears begin to burn coldly. "Can you give me any tips for surviving this arctic weather, H?"

"I'll give you tips along with a whole survival kit, D." promised Heather.

Heather stuffs her car keys inside her faux fur coat and walks away from her Honda Civic. She shakes her head like a wet dog, getting rid of the soaking snowflakes on her long hair. Pulling her large red coat closer, Heather strides toward the door of the large apartment building before us. I follow behind her in a hurry, wanting desperately to escape from this wintry atmosphere.

As we enter the Brooklyn apartment building, I take in all of my surroundings around me. But I wish I didn't. Fluorescent lights are installed in the ceiling above us. Two armchairs are place by a set of rectangular stairs. An elevator sits lonely down the end of the lobby. Piles of garbage are stacked in each and every corner. My nose is hit with a strong stench of trash and urine in the building's lobby. I crinkle my button nose in disgust and cover my nostrils with my arm. How does people deal with this grotesque smell everyday?

Why does it smell so strange and bad here?

I beg. "Heather, tell me you are smelling what I am smelling." I can't be the only who believes that disgusting odor belongs to a dead body.

"I don't know what your going on about. I don't smell anything." Heather asserted.

"I think you need to get your nose check. My eyes are starting to water and burn from this junk." I roll my eyes and let out a small giggle. I may be giggling but I'm dead serious.

"Whatever." She shrugs it off.

I try to keep my offensive comments to myself during our short ride in the small elevator. It is worse in the lift. The elevator reeks of urine and garbage. Thankfully, Heather sparks up a conversation about my surprise birthday present. I need something or someone or anything to distract me from this smell and this scenery. I'm pretty sure my skin is beginning to crawl from the gross floor.

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