Chapter 12

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Chapter Twelve

By Taylor Swift & Colbie Caillat

It's the kind of ending you don't really wanna see
'Cause it's tragedy and it'll only bring you down

AGE 17

I'M STANDING all alone in Matt's vacant bedroom when I hear his dad, Marcus Wright, and his deep voice boom throughout the house.

"The moving truck is here, everyone!" He yelled.

I sigh and take a look around Matt's former bedroom with sullen eyes. My heavy heart is thundering with a heap of sadness. Standing frozen to the soft carpet underneath me, my eyes find its place on four arctic blue walls. The now-bare walls are stripped of several basketball posters. Sunlight streams into the room from its only window, a pretty large window it is. A LED fan once hung high up from the ceiling above me. Matt's big Bluetooth speaker and book collection, along with everything else was packed away in boxes.

Wrapping my arms around myself, a foreign feeling sweeps over me in a flash. It was a pure feeling of fear or weirdness. I couldn't tell which one of them it was. There wasn't anything left in this room but stillness. The bedroom was flooded with the silence and it was beginning to wig me out.

I've never been a big fan of silence; the void of it makes my skin crawl with queasiness.

All of these years, I've gotten familiar to Matt's rowdy music blaring through his speakers. Our loud, exciting conversations between each other in his bedroom. Our joking and laughter had always filled the quietness. However, the bedroom was absence from any noises, giggling, and music. I press my hand against my stomach, which held a tight feeling of anxiety.

My ears perked up at footsteps speaking on the wooden floor from behind me. Quickly, I snap out of my frozen state and bring myself back to my senses. I spun around and came face to face with Michelle Wright. Michelle was Matt's and Michaela wholesome, caring mom. The type of mom who is in touch with her inner goddess and has a free range mindset. I could only wish for a calm mom like her. But, I wouldn't trade my mamà and her too-real-for-life attitude for anyone.

Undeniably, it was clear to see Michelle was a beautiful woman. Michelle's short bob cut was a shade of midnight black. She had dark brown eyes with a wide nose and full lips. Michelle was tall and slim, her skin was a rich reddish-brown hue. Now I understood where Matt and Michaela inherited their beautiful genes from.

Matt did looked a bit similar to his dad, despite the fact he didn't believe he shared any features with him. Matt and Marcus both had this boyish charm. But, nevertheless Matt was a handsome specimen.

She stood out in the hallway with a large box in her skinny arms. Michelle cocked her head to the side with a concerned glare. "Daniela, love are you okay? You look a bit scared and sick." Her dulcet voice was full of worry.

"Y-Yeah, I am okay. Thanks." I assured her. I was surprised some words came out of my scratchy throat. My frightened eyes were probably a damn dead give away.

"Okay love." Michelle shakes her head and gives me a soft smile. "If you aren't up to help us move things out, you are welcome to go home."

I promised. "I think I can pull through, Miss Wright."

Michelle exit from the hallway and mosey along outside. I knew Michelle wouldn't mind if I didn't take part in this moving process. I'm sure she understood how I felt about Matt moving to another part of town. It was all too much for me right now; and I believed my shaky heart couldn't handle it. I headed towards the large window, and leaned my head against the obscured glass.

Michaela, Marcus, and Michelle stored big boxes into an U-Haul truck. The U-Haul was parked beside a sidewalk next to the house, present before them. The back of the truck was filled to brim with heavy boxes. There seem as if no more space was left for moving boxes. But, I'm sure The Wrights would figure something out to make more room. Why were they in such a hurry to leave? I didn't like this moment at all but I would like to cherish it. The Wrights were like a second family to me; A chosen family I would say.

I'd never thought I would see the day Matt move away. Forever.

I took my glance away and bowed my head with my eyes on the floor. Heaviness crept its way into my chest as I rubbed my wet eyes, my hands are a bit shaky.

"You know this isn't the end right?" A low voice spoke behind me. "It isn't the end of our friendship, Dani."

I twirled my head around in the direction of the familiar voice. It is Matt. Matty leans against the door frame in smooth fashion. He wears his best soft grin with warm eyes.

"Then, why does it feel like it? Why do I feel like it is?" I questioned. Blinking back the tears welling in my eyes, my voice cracks a bit and I hope Matt doesn't it notice. I can tell by the empathetic look on his fresh face, he notices it and all hope in me has shattered.

"Let's take a walk around the neighborhood and talk." Matt decided. He stared at me intently, I am in the center of his soft gaze.

"Like old times?"

"Just like old times, Dani."


Author's Note: Hey guys! I hate the idea of moving; I've moved so many times. It has given me whiplash back to back. Where are you guys from? I am from Indiana.  I can't believe Matt is moving away forever! I feel so sorry for Dani right now. Did you enjoy this flashback chapter and teenage Matty and Dani? Please like, comment, and share! Follow me pls. Until then xoxo

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