Chapter 09

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Chapter Nine

Cool Kids
By Echosmith

I wish that I could be like the cool kids
'Cause all the cool kids, they seem to fit

AGE 17

HOLDING UP my bulky Canon camera to my eye, I watch several students pass down the hallway through the optical lens. I've always found it remarkable how you could capture a moment, with just a single photo. I love taking candid photos of regular people doing regular things (not in a creepy way of course). It is what I have coined "human photography." Human photography is an art; average people are my muses. I've decided to use my classmates as inspiration for today's photos.

I set my focus on a group of students walking down the hall together in sync. Their booming chatter and laughter trumped all of the other conversations. The conversations taking place amongst students in the hallway, all began to quickly die out. Everyone seemed to watch them and become enthralled by their presence. But, I couldn't blame them because I was entranced as well. These people weren't average people; they were the cool kids.

But, they're were two certain people who stood out from the cool kids.

One of them was wearing a bright pink crop top, a denim skirt, and a pair of platform sneakers. She was the epitome of a real life beauty queen. I could see her manicured fingers were filled with expensive rings, even from a far distance. A open smile with glowing white teeth adorned her square-shaped face. The popular girl's eyes were dark brown and her hair was a chestnut brown. She caught my awkward stare and waved hello to me in a friendly manner. She was Natalie Cho.

I couldn't hate Natalie even if I wanted to. Natalie was a special kind of "mean girl"; she was actually genuinely nice. I thought popular girls were supposed to be shallow, vapid, and bitchy. All of those damn teen movies and TV shows have greatly disappointed me, I thought.

After I waved back at her with a smile, I turned my attention back to the rest of the other cool kids. Everyone were gawking at the group but, there was one particular cool kid who had everyone captivated me. This one was tall, dark, and handsome from head to toe. I noticed his muscles were visible through his tight red T-shirt. A distressed denim jacket, black cargo pants, and some Nike shoes completed his outfit. His fresh fade haircut and pearly white teeth almost made him unrecognizable to me. Yet, his smile that never reaches his eyes made me realized I knew this familiar stranger. He was Matt Wright.

I never thought Matt could be one of the "cool kids." I will always see him as the dorky guy with braces and an Afro. Despite the fact he was apart of the crowd, he still managed to stand out from the others.

I took a quick snapshot of Matt with my camera and bit down on my bottom lip. The whiny sound of the shutter doesn't hide the thumping noise of my heart. It felt as if the whole school could hear my heartbeat. Matt didn't throw a gaze my way like Natalie had before him. I didn't have him in my arms; I did have his photo in my hands. I turn my head away when I catch Natalie and Matt holding hands.

I want to be the only one who could hold his hand.

"Were you even listening to me, Daniela?" Michaela Wright exclaimed. My close friend's voice drags me out of my thoughts.

"Huh?" I asked. Spinning my head in her direction, I sent Michaela a dazed look of bewilderment with furrowed eyebrows. "What did you say again? I'm sorry I zoned out for a second."

Michaela loudly slammed her locker shut and leaned against it, holding her textbooks to her chest with her arms. She shook her head and rolled her eyes in the back of her head. I've grown accustomed to Michaela rolling her eyes in annoyance at me. But, I'm not sure if she was my familiar with my daydreaming.

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