Chapter Fourteen

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I nervously fiddled with my fingers as the hairstylist added the accessories to my hair. I was already in my dress and my make up was done. (Hair and dress above)

Today's the day. The day I marry Nathan Graham. No one bothered to help me shop for my dress after that day. They were just busy with the rest of the wedding preparations. They excluded me from nearly everything. I don't even know what flavor the cake was.

Oliver was the ring bearer, Hailey and Julia were my bridesmaids. The best man was Jacob and I had no maid of honor. Neither Julia nor Hailey deserved it.

Somehow we managed to plan the wedding in a week even with Hailey and Christopher insisting that we hold on. I knew they just wanted time to find a loophole in the contract so Hailey would be Nathan's wife. I wasn't sure about how I felt about Hailey marrying Nathan. It would definitely hurt me. I've gotten close to Nathan and begun to lean on him for support, I don't think I'll be able to let him go just yet.

I'm actually happy to be his bride and Oliver's stepmother.

There was a knock on the door and Sophia poked her head in. "You look beautiful, Alyssa." She said, stepping into the room. "Ready to get married?"

I nodded with a deep sigh. I'm ready. I think.

She guided me out of the dressing room to the entrance of the chapel of the hotel we were having the wedding at, the reception will be in the garden. Hailey and Julia were already inside standing at their positions, Cassy was seated in one of the pews, Christopher and Rebecca were also seated as well as Nathan's parents.

I was walking down the aisle alone. I didn't want Christopher walking me, he would spend he entire walk telling me how I didn't deserve what I was getting and that the only reason I was getting married to Nathan was because of a contract. He'd probably say that to make me back out which was something I didn't want to do.

I knew the main reason we were getting married was because of the contract but I think there's something between us. Maybe it was just me reading into everything too much but I believe Nathan and I have a... a connection or something.

The music started and I forced my legs to move. Through the veil, I could see everyone standing, staring at me. I clutched the bouquet of roses tightly. Why are they staring at me? Is there something wrong with my dress?

It's your wedding, you're the bride, they have to stare at you. I reminded myself.

I looked straight ahead, my eyes meeting Nathan who looked sharp in his navy blue suit, guess the both of us didn't want to wear traditional colors. Beside him was Jacob in a black suit and the rest of his groomsmen.

Hailey stood in her revealing red bridesmaid dress, glaring angrily at me. She looked so close to doing something drastic but knowing her family, she was warned to behave. Julia was next to her wearing a more modest dress. She wasn't giving me a nasty look like I expected, instead she was looking admiringly at my dress. I for sure thought she'd be doing the same thing as Hailey.

I reached the end of the aisle, taking Nathan's hand. Immediately, I started having those goosebumps and the butterflies in my stomach started flying. How does he manage to do that everyone he touches me?

The priest started his sermon but I was too busy staring at Nathan to focus. His hair was left in it's usual curls to fall around his face and his grey eyes sparkled even more.

"Nathan Graham," I tuned in, knowing what was coming next. "do you take Alyssa Camille Jordan to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"

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