Chapter Thirty-nine

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“Bye Mommy!” Oliver yelled, waving quickly at me as his teacher ushered him into the class.

“Bye, sweetie, have a good day!” I returned with a smile mirroring his.

It's been a few days since the encounter with Jodie and we haven't seen or heard from her since, something I was grateful for. Ever since, I've been Oliver's mommy. What I was doing wasn't so different from when he called me by my name but it felt different.

It was more intimate when I woke him up in the morning and when I kissed him goodbye as he left with Nathan for school. I felt complete when Nathan and I would tuck him in at night before we retired to our own room.

I don't think I've ever been as happy as I've been in the past few months and it's all thanks to Nathan and Oliver.

I was seated in my car when my phone started ringing. It was just a number, which was strange, I don't recall giving someone my number and not getting theirs, it's not something I do. Against my better judgement, I pressed the answer button.

“Hello? Is this Alyssa?” The voice was not new to me but I didn't know whose it was.

“Yes, who is this?”

“Please, don't hang up, it's Jodie.” How did she get number? “I know it's weird and unexpected but can we meet up? It can be anywhere you want, I just want to talk to you.”

Getting past my surprise, I said. “Why do you want to talk to me? How did you even get my number?”

“Please, I just need to speak to you, it's urgent and I don't think I can go to anyone else.”

This is so confusing. Why does she think she can come to me with a problem? We're not friends, or even acquaintances. Why does she think I would want to speak to her?

“Please, Alyssa, I need your help.” She pleaded further.

Cursing my good heart, I let out a frustrated sigh. “Fine.”

“Thank you so much, where can we meet?”

I contemplated. I doubt Sophia would like to see Jodie in her bakery and I certainly can't invite her home. There was a little coffee shop not far from the house that we could go to. It always had just the right amount of people so it wasn't too crowded and not so empty, perfect.

I gave her the address and the time, thirty minutes before I had to meet Nathan at his office and she agreed to it, thanking me multiple times before I ended the call.

I spent my time writing few chapters of my book and when the time came for me to meet Jodie, I made my way to the cafe. I was dressed in a simple burgundy sleeveless A-line dress with a white belt and matching flats. I could've walked to the cafe but I was meeting Nathan after and walking this office was unreasonable.

I spotted her sitting a the furthest table from the door. She wasn't dressed like she was the last time. Instead of a figure hugging dress and unnecessary make up, she was in a black jumpsuit with a red belt and matching heels and her makeup was minimal. I interrupted her nervous fiddling as I took the seat opposite her.

“Hi.” She said with a nervous smile. “Thanks so much for coming.”

“What's this about?” I demanded.

She sighed. “I know this is a lot to ask but I want to be in Oliver's life.”

I resisted the urge to laugh. Does she really think that she can ull what she did the other day and make think kind of request?

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