Chapter Twenty-Two

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“There's no need to worry, Ma'am.” The doctor informed me. How in hell does he expect me not to worry when Oliver's heart just stopped? “The wire attached to his heart simply came loose.”

He showed me the suction cup thing that came loose and stuck it back on Oliver's chest. The device came to life immediately.




It was only them that I let out the breath I was holding. Oliver isn't dead. He's still alive. I ran my hands down my face to remove the tears that fell. When I heard the heart monitor flatline, I ran out, crying and screaming for help. Nurses and doctors rushed in and not more than five minutes later they came out, some with annoyed looks on their faces. They mumbled how I was just being hysterical.

Could they blame me? Who wouldn't freak out when their child's heart supposedly stopped? As embarrassed as I was, I was happy that Oliver was alive.

“In fact,” The doctor I didn't bother learning his name continued with a small smile. “In the course of checking him, Oliver stirred and opened his eyes momentarily.”

My eyes nearly fell out of their sockets when he said that. Oliver was awake, even though it was just for a moment.

“But, I suggest you don't call your husband until your son is fully conscious.” He advised.

I nodded, completely understanding what he said. I knew for a fact that Nathan will come running back here the moment I mention Oliver even twitched. I promised I would call him immediately but I didn't want to cause any worry or unnecessary excitement.

The doctor made sure I was okay and checked Oliver a little more before he left. I took a deep calming breath and sat right next to Oliver's bed. I gripped his had gently and whispered. “Please, wake up soon, Olly, I miss you. And the more I think about it, I realized that cereal is actually a soup.”

I giggled at myself and leaned into the chair, trying to relax. I let the silence of the room lull me to a restless sleep.


I woke up with a start to the sound of someone screaming. It was Oliver! He was freaking out with a terrified look on his face.

“DAD!!!!” He screamed, sobbing.

I quickly ran to his side, cradling his face in my hands. “Olly, it's Ally, you're okay, you're fine.”

“Everything hurts! I want my Dad!!” He cried.

I rushed out of the room to call a doctor. If everything was hurting him, he needed some medicine or something else was wrong. The doctor came in shortly after. He, along with a nurse tried to calm Oliver down but to no avail. He kept screaming for Nathan so I called him.

“Hello?” Nathan said groggily over the phone.

He must've been sleeping, I feel so bad for waking him up but it was an emergency. “Nathan, it's Alyssa.” I said frantically.

I shuffling around him quickly before he spoke. “What happened? Is everything okay?”

“Oliver's awake.” I informed him, peeking into the room to see that the boy was still crying hard. “He needs you, he's scared, we're trying to calm him down but nothing the doctor or I say is working.”

“I'll be right there.” He hung up immediately, not letting me say anything else.

I went back into the room to help the doctor with Oliver. “Oliver, sweetie,” His eyes fixed on me. “it's me, Ally, your dad's on his way, he's going to be here really soon, okay?”

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