Chapter Thirteen

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“I'm coming!” I shouted to the person at the other side of the door.

It couldn't have been Nathan, he was at work. Maybe it was Oliver wanting to play.

I opened the room door expecting to see a him holding a Lightning McQueen car but instead it was Sophia, Nathan's Mom.

“Hi, Sophia.” I greeted.

“Hi, Alyssa. Ready to find your perfect wedding dress?” She replied enthusiastically.

“Wait, I'm sorry, what?” I asked, my eyebrows raised with shock.

“Nathan just called me saying that I should take you wedding dress shopping. His father demanded that your wedding be this weekend so we don't have much time.” She explained.

I was still surprised so the only words I could muster were. “Wait, what?”

“I know. Nathan is already under a lot of stress, this would only elevate it. We have to leave now, we have a lot to do and not much time to do it.” Still in shock, I let her pull me to the living room, calling for Oliver.

Oliver was sitting opposite Maria and Julia, glaring at them. I guess he was still mad at Julia and he never really liked Maria anyway.

“Maria.” I heard Sophia acknowledge coldly.

“Sophia.” Maria returned.

“What are you doing here?” Sophia questioned.

“Nathan insists on marrying this...” She eyed me in disgust. “thing soon, so Steven asked me to help her prepare. I didn't know you would be here else I wouldn't have come. I don't like seeing the trash of the society.”

“Looking in the mirror must be torture them.” Sophia quipped.

Maria drew back offended while Oliver burst into laughter. Julia simply rolled her eyes at her mother. I still don't understand how Nathan and Julia have the same parents and one of them still acts like a brat. Shouldn't Julia be nicer? I mean, Sophia did raise her.

“Why are you here Julia?” I asked.

“I wanted to talk some sense into you. You might want to buy your wedding dress at some cheap store and embarrass Nathan, so I'm here to stop you.” She answered snarkily.

“Julia, be quiet.” Sophia commanded.

“She's right.” Maria stated. “From what she tells me, this urchin has no taste when it comes to clothing.”

“Last I checked, you didn't either.” Sophia returned.

What is this, battle of the moms? They shouldn't be fighting like this in front of Oliver.

“Olly, why don't you go get your jacket so you can come with me?” I suggested to him. The smart boy got the hint and left the room.

“Oliver's coming along, good. I have to teach him how to match the oddest of colors.” Julia said cheerfully.

I'm done with her attitude. Last I checked, Oliver was a boy and didn't need to know how to pick out women's clothes, no matter how helpful it is to me.

I was about to say something to her when the door opened and my worst nightmare walked in. Well, nightmares. Hailey and Rebecca sauntered in like they owned the place both in what I want to call dresses but I really can't.

“What are you doing here?” Julia shrieked at Hailey who glared in return.

“Rebecca, it's nice to see you again.” Maria said cheerfully, giving her a posh hug.

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