19. always been my brother

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I'm listening to the song above on repeat while writing this chapter. you can do that too but either way it's okay anyways, this was a bit long idk if y'all like that but yea Happy reading! ♥

Lisa woke up the next morning a little too early with an empty bed. She shifted in her side trynna get back to sleep but heard a soft humming on the bathroom making a smile form into her lips.

After contemplated if she should join Jennie on the shower or not she then finally decided against it. Jennie hate being late and she didn't want to push it since Jennie seems like in the good mood. She wondered why.

Getting off the blanket she wears her clothes one by one. And looks like her shirt playing hide and seek with her she hissed and just headed downstairs topless. Lisa tilt her head to the side as an already prepared breakfast laid in front of her on the kitchen.

"Mhm." She nodded approvingly while chewing the strawberry peanut butter jelly sandwich. Leaning at the counter top and tasted everything on the table. Her hands and mouth are fulled when she felt an arms wrapped on her waist from behind.

"Wow babe your breakfast..."
She smiled tilting her head behind to look at the girl then she frowned. "who are you?"

Jennie slap her back chuckling before rolling her eyes. "Your princess."

"Huh?" Lisa scrunched her face and furiously Shakes her head before widening her eyes to Jennie. "Oh yes! Sorry see? I almost forgot you! What a breakfast.. so fuckintastic."

"Yea?" Jennie grin proudly as she made her way around the island towards the coffee maker. She makes herself a cup of coffee while hot choco to her girlfriend.

"ahuh. Is this gonna be a regular thing now? Or Just today?"

"Oh no don't push it I ain't spoiling you that much. I'm not even your wife yet."

"Exactly that! You should practice from now on." Lisa scoffed as she sat down.

Jennie chuckles quietly ignoring the fluttering in her stomach at the thought. She places two cups in front of the Thai as she sat sideways comfortably in her lap despite having multiple chair around the table.

"You don't have practice anymore. Does that mean you're going home with me now?"

"uhum." Lisa nodded with mouth full.

"by the way auntie's asking about your practice so I assumed you haven't tell her?"

"ah yea.. I'm gonna tell her later I think. what else did she say?"

"Nothing much Just asking how have we been."

Lisa nodded as she looked down suddenly deep in thought as the memory replayed in her head. Her eyes narrowed down when it landed on the small Manoban27 written on the side of the sweatpants Jennie's wearing. "Is this my softball sweatpants?"

Jennie follow her gaze and quickly looked away as she crosses her legs seemingly hiding the names written. "I don't know what you're saying."

"Oh gosh that's mine I've been looking for that since last last year!"

"Not my fault I just saw this on my closet. Your messy ass should be more organized next time yea?"

Lisa frowned as she pouted. "No I know I can be messy sometimes but I know where did I put my shit at!"

Jennie arched an eyebrow as she face her body completely towards the Thai girl. "what are you trying to say? I stole your pants?" Truth is she actually stole those pants from the thai when they sleepover one time with the squad. And everytime she came over or when the Thai left something in her house she would never brought that up and end up she's the one using it.

reason ✈️ JenlisaOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora