13. Get ready.

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"where's that idiot? Give the damn phone to him! Is he also dragging you into his mess? Fucking Jimin even my cousin.." Lisa muttered angrily.

"Lis I'd rather talk this in person I-"

"there's not to talk about. He's grown up man he knows what he's doing."

"you don't understand." Bambam sounded frustrated and impatient.

"Oh of coarse I do I've been drag in his shit since forever and I'm done. Let him reflect how stupid he is. No ones going to help him this time tell that to others."


"No you go home before mom found out about this."

Lisa quickly hung up as she calmed her breathing, this is stressing her more than she thought. Even though she wanted to help his friend so badly she knows it's not a good idea this time. In so many reasons. as she calm down she came back inside only to be meet by just her mother and Dad, without Jennie in sight.

Almost instantly she panicked. What if she heard her calling to the phone? What if she misunderstood it? Or worse interrogate her to it? What she's going to do? She doesn't know if she can stomach another lie to her girlfriend. And it's not even her problem it's Jimin's!

"Hey sweetie what's wrong?" she quickly looked down seeing her mom's concerned eyes staring at her.

She shook her head as she sat down. "where's Jennie?"

"bathroom. And oh your Dad just planning a cooking training for Jennie." Clara smile at her husband.

Lisa looked up surprised "really? that's cool but I'm afraid she doesn't into it, I mean I've never seen her cook a whole meal before maybe baking but cooking I don't know."

"But she asked me for it?" Marco said.
"She said you both always take orders and take outs and it's not really healthy. Said either one of you should know how to cook now and since you're Curse in the kitchen she asked me for help. And I admit I'm really excited to teach her your favorites." Marco added excitedly.

It's true. Lisa and kitchen are really not good combination. It's gonna be a whole mess either the food tastes like shit or burn kitchen. There this one time when she was in highschool she tried to make dinner for her mother on mother's day when Marco is away for business trip. and let's just say the supposed to be fancy and Heart warming dinner turn into fire nation, they had to call the the firefighters because the fire already crawl on there furniture near the kitchen and fire extinguisher can't do the help. And after that she swore she would never hold a stove in her life. Lesson learned eh.

Few moments later Jennie came back looking just fine so Lisa shrugged the panic thought in her mind and they continued their dinner. Soon enough Lisa volunteer to wash the dishes while her parents and Jennie came upstairs. Since there's no school tomorrow they decided to sleep over to manoban's household.

Lisa wipe her hands after putting the last plate aside before walking to the front door. Just as she stepped outside her Dad walk out of their garage with grease all over his hands. "You going somewhere?" He asked as he approached his daughter.

"Nah Just.. is bambam not home yet?"

"He just told your mom he's sleeping over to his friend. Why?"

"just asking. " she shrug before heading inside. "and oh by the way make sure to remove all that in your hands. Mom hate it." She gestured to his hand.

"Oh I know kid." Marco laugh at the girl's reminder. He got used to being tell what clara wants, hate, don't like from her daughter. She's also pretty protective over her mom, He remembered being scolded when she was still courting clara and the kid is still 5 that time. It's kinda funny but he found it endearing how much she knows her mother all to well and being caring and protective till now. The kid still haven't not changed.

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