7. bring the trouble

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"Mike call Jessie now!"

"this is too short grab the long one! "

"what are you doing there? Replace the lenses now! "

"one more time! Tilt your chin."

Lisa watched back and forth Jennie's team as they work on their photoshoot. They've been there for almost 4 hours now from the makeups preparation and photography. they lack of people so she volunteered to help by holding the reflectors, the photographer is so bossy as if he's paying their hard work, they are all just a student who wants a good grade no need to pressure one another. She wanted to say but keep her mouth shut and just wait for this to be over.

"You! What the hell you doing?! "

Lisa snap out of her trance as she looked up at the glaring guy pointing at her. She raises her eyebrow in questioning manner as the guy huffed.

"Look at the reflectors! "

Lisa glanced down seeing it's angle in different direction. She quickly adjusted it in front of the model who's blushing uncomfortably.

"Move backwards! Don't be to close to her." The photographer instructed whilst she knelt backwards still holding the reflectors.

"Jongin we're out of stock of tape, we can't put their costumes." Tall guy interrupted them as he informed the furious photographer.

"Jesus Christ even tape? It's that my job? It's just a simple problem go buy one! " He shoo the guy away as he positioned his camera again.

"But we still haven't–"

"what's  your problem now? "

"If I go buy outside I'll waste minutes of my time I still needed to prepare their costumes yet."

The guy jongin ruffle his hair as he turned to Lisa. "Hey we need you! "

Lisa stand up as she waited for him to say something. "what? "

"put that down first, buy some tape outside."

"why me? "

"you're the only one available here." He said as he stand up handed her a money.

"But I'm not part of your team."

"You said you wanted to help? Go now so we all can leave early."

She really wanted to argue but she also wanted to sleep now, her limbs is aching so much so she snatched the cash and walked passed him.

She shivered at the wind as she rush inside the convenient store, heading straight to the tape section. She looked to the different kinds of tape and to the coins in her palm.

She grabbed the masking tape and quickly run back inside the elevator up to their rent space.

she quickly approached the guy that interrupted them earlier that now talking to this jongin guy.

"Here" She quickly handed the tape.

"finally! Go jake hurry." jongin turned to walk away but this guy jake spoke.

The guy look down in his palm. "ah no not this, we need waterproof, duck tape to be exact."

Jongin facepalm himself as he looked to Lisa's direction. "You're wasting time you know that? "

"what? its not my fault. You could've tell me what kind of tape I should buy." She rolled her eyes as she snatched the tape.

"Maybe you asked right?" He retorted.

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