22. bring back my girl

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Listen to Hold on - chord overstreet on repeat for a better reading:)

Jennie's POV

How did we got to this point?

How come your endless random stories get you not to talking at all. How did those sweet kisses and warmth hugs where in before giving me safety and comfort turned to cold and empty. How does your adoring gazes turned to avoidance. I can't understand why does your eyes somewhat wanting to slip away 'cause you were just so in love with me yesterday.

Why are you testing me so hard lately? I mean I'll survive but damn give me a break.

I've tried multiple times to confront you but you always find ways for excuse and fucking reason just to avoid me. Why you making me feel this way? Like my presence are not important. That you're fine without me, that you don't need me in your life as much as I need you. Why do I feel like by you spending time with me is an obligation and not something that will make your day anymore?

It's seems like I'm the only one trying here. It's killing me Lisa.. It's killing me watching you slowly, little by little slipping away from me..

And the hardest part is that you knew.

You knew what's going on, you knew what you're doing, you knew I was hurting yet you didn't do anything. This is not you. Lisa that I know will never let me suffer this way, Lisa that I know will never makes me look a fool out of myself wondering why I did wrong. I refuse to believe that this was the girl I'm in love with. It's a different person. You're not my Lisa..
she is imprisoned with the depth darkness of her thoughts and I need to rescue her to escape but how can I do that when she didn't want me in? Give her back...

For the passed whole week Lisa's been distant, apprehensive and not herself. A whole complete different person.
When I first notice it I don't want to assume things considering she had fought with her cousin so I gave her space she needed, but it continued that I can't no longer ignore, it makes me think that this is not about her cousin anymore. That there's a deep reason behind it. I mean we're just fine cuddling the other day and then.. out of the blue she's..

But I can't let her do this to me. I've worked hard to get you and there's no reason for me to gave you up that easily. I Finished Lisa and Mine's homework and duty so there's no excuse for us to not speak, she came home after practice early today so I know we can finally talk. Inhaling deeply as I stared at my reflection in the bathroom mirror one last time before walking out of the door.

But as soon as I saw her sleeping soundly on the bed my insides dropped in disappointment and in disbelief. I let out a quiet sigh before approaching her, lifted her arm to wrap it around me instead and tucked myself in between her under arm and chest. Holding her so close that maybe Just maybe tonight I can pretend that everything is okay by being this close to her and tomorrow she will talk to me, says her problem and apologize for treating me like nothing and we gone back to normal. Like a perfect couple that we used to.

I closes my eyes tightly, hand gripping her sides before I look up to those face I love so much. "I miss you.." I whispered unable to prevent the shaking of my voice and the single tear that left my eyes.

° ° °

I waited patiently as I tucked my cold hands into my coat pocket, exhaling warm breath into the freezing night of winter breeze when the door finally opened. Jisoo unnie look at me slightly in shock before ushering me inside and into her Living room.

"sorry for showing up unannounced."

"don't be silly come on I am just making hot chocolate.. why does I feel like today's coldness is twice as before aish." She hisses from the kitchen as I sat in her living room, taking off my coat when I finally felt the heater.

reason ✈️ JenlisaWhere stories live. Discover now