Part 4

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3th person POV

    Everyone noticed that Tony was acting weird. He gets out of his lab and actually talks to us. And even smile more. YES. Even smile. Eat and sleep. That's not him. It's been like this for about a week. Everyone wants to know why, but of course only Nat knows. Clint even goes with the assumption that he cheats on Pepper.

"Maybe he discovered something new?"Steve suggested. Yes they even call a meeting with everyone but Tony.

"No... If so he will spend even more time in the lab...He even went and bought me flowers..."Pepper was the most confused of everyone. She thinks about the option that Clint suggests, but that doesn't explain the flowers. Maybe he is guilty?No... It can't be that...Right?

Perhaps her expression betrayed her thoughts because Nat had to calm her down.

"Pepper calm down... He is not cheating on you. It's not that I promise" After she calmed down, a very confused Sam asked

"Wait...You know???"

"Of course i know. I know everything that is happening in this tower."She said like it was obvious.

"YOU KNOW"Everyone said at the same time.

"Of course"

"Why didn't you tell us?"Steve practically screamed.

"I just want to see how far you guys would go"

"OMG whyyyy"Again everyone said at the same time.

"Anyways what is it"

"Steve gave him his number. But it was wrong. Turns out he was chatting with some kid" so many sigh was heard in the meeting room

"Did you have his number?"Wanda asks with a mischievous smile.

"Yep i'm gonna do a group chat. But do I put Tony in it?"So many 'no' and 'yes' were heard. In the end they decided to put him too.

"Wait... does he know who Tony actually is?"Bruce asks.

"No.Use code names. Oh and this kid knows Tony like 'MRB'." The room erupted in 'got it' or 'alright'.

With Peter

I lay on my bed. I'm done with work and patrol for today. I check my phone at 10:07. Maybe I can sleep more today? I really try but... I just can't. Every time I close my eyes I see him lying lifeless on my hands.

Beep Beep Beep

What the hell? Is that my phone? Of course it is your phone Peter, what else could it be? I take it from my bedside table and see so many messages. What. I don't have that many friends.

Unnamed group














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